Friday, May 27, 2011


Thursday was a day of milestones for me.

My oldest granddaughter graduated from Kindergarten.
Sitting beside my son as he watched HIS child's big day.....
I could see in my mind's eye the day HE was up on a stage with a little cap and gown doing the same thing!
 I was proud to be at this occasion.
You could FEEL the excitement of the children as well as the pride of all those parents behind the cameras and video recorders.
After the graduation we visited her teachers and sat with Faith as she ate her lunch - Subway was her choice! She went back to class and we picked up Quiznos and rushed BACK to the school to eat lunch with the grandson.

After lunch Leigh Ann and  I checked out the Resale shops in Arlington.
 She scored some stylish jackets.....I think FIVE in all!! The one above was $6.98 and looked SO Leigh Ann!!
She LOVES thrifting..finding something of truly good quality and style at a bargain price. When she hesitated about this one I jumped at the chance to buy it for her! She also found a brand new OP swim suit for Faith for a fraction of the price in the stores.....I think it was around $6! I swooped that one up, too! They both have June birthdays! PERFECT!

I spent a few minutes sitting by their gorgeous swimming pool and watching my son do pool chores. If you are a mother you understand the warm fuzzy feeling you get when observing your children doing whatever it is they are doing. I like LOOKING at my 'kids.' No matter how grown up they are!

I left their home in Arlington and drove straight to Downtown Dallas!
My daughter, Summer, started her new job at Marsh Insurance last week.
Talk about impressive! Marsh is on the 44th floor of the Coamerica Tower.....
a class "AA" office building with 60 floors! 
Each floor contains 24,000 square feet of office space.
 I met her co workers as well as her boss and toured a bit of the building.
The view is breathtaking!
I am so proud of her I could POP!!!
Summer has worked in the field of insurance since she was fresh out of school and began her venture into the business world! Her mind THINKS insurance. She is the epitome of character and integrity and always has her clients best interest at heart.
She began her career at State Farm, then moved up to HUB International and has now landed at MMC - Marsh and McLennan Companies.

So I went from celebrating the graduation of a young granddaughter to the
achievements of my first born daughter. I treasure the memories made this day.

To top off this memorable day my husband brought in an early wedding anniversary gift. We will be married six years next month.
My NEW computer has been 'ill' lately.
LD gave it to me for Christmas so it is brand new!
 (I smothered the old one and still feel badly for draping the entire desk in fabric not realizing that computers need to 'BREATHE!')

He and I have been 'sharing' his the last week.
We got it out of the shop only to have to return it a few days later!
 (I think it has a virus.....and I may be guilty of 'drive by clicking.')

Anyway.......he bought a laptop and had them set it all up complete in a classy case WITH Internet service from CLEAR before bringing it home to me all gift wrapped and tied up with a bow AND a sweet card!

Now I have Internet available anywhere I want to go!
I never thought I would be using a laptop.
It feels like modern technology is sitting up on a high shelf and I am stretching on tippy toes to reach it!
SO this is another milestone event for me.......
doing a post from my very own laptop!
To fit in with THURSDAY milestones I should have written this yesterday...
however it has taken me some time to figure things out!


  1. Congratulations on the new technology - and on that beautiful granddaughter, and on those accomplished children. Enjoy - that's what life's for!

  2. What a precious post! Full of lovely Grandmother/Mother happenings. :-)

    Hooray! A brand new computer! And you are brave enough to use a laptop! Good for you. Myself, I still can't seem to manage well, on husband's laptop. You are ahead of me, my Dear!!!

    Enjoy the rest of your Memorial Day Weekend!

    Gentle hugs,

  3. a great day!!!! you will love the laptop - just don't get any viruses on that one!!! mobile computers are great. i'm catching on with my mac, and i've learned that they cannot get viruses. they're completely immune and don't even require security software, how crazy is that!?

  4. LD bought a flat fan thing it sits on so it doesn't over heat. PLUS he bought a two year membership for the Geek Squad! It covers all three computers. When you come up (or I come down) you will have to show me the ins and outs of using a laptop!

  5. Hallo Linda, you remind me of the joys of 'thrifting' or 'charity shops' is I suppose our equivalent. I buy lots there and we have some excellent ones. I buy stuff I wouldn't buy in a mainstream shop. Somehow when the money is going to charity you don't care what you buy, but I have bought some excellent stuff. My daughter bought me a gilet for £5 one Christmas and I wore it nearly everyday for two years. Now that's real cost per wear value!
