Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Knee Deep in Multi Tasking!

Today has been a day of doing this and that!
The weather continues to be beautiful! Attic fan on and windows and doors flung wide open!
Love this kind of day!

Louis Dean has been hard at work too.....when just last week he had a third stent put in for his heart!
He's looking pretty good I think!

When he and I take a break in the gazebo we thumb through recipe books.
Healthy eating is a top priority now. No easy task!

Moved this Ethan Allen piece #2 from the guest room to the patio to begin the refinishing project.

It will go on top of Piece #1 in our bedroom and will provide some good storage space.

 This piece was in LD's bathroom and I moved it to the guest room.

Took down the American Indian wall and put THAT in Louis Dean's bathroom.
He IS an authentic card carrying Native American!
I know there is a framed blank canvas hanging in the middle of the wall.
Hopefully that will one day be my best work yet as an artist!
I can't decide what to paint on it, though, so I am waiting.
Trying to keep all the rooms neat and clean even as we are redoing so many areas.
My ONE painted room. All others are papered or, as in the den, cedar wood.
We won't tackle redoing this room until the fall.

When I rest from one project I dabble on another.
Whacking up denim I cleared out from my 'denim closet' in preparation for two baby quilts.

After I make the quilts I have on my mind for gifts I am FINALLY going to make one for ME!
It will be Blue Denim and Lace.
Tough as denim and gentle as lace.
That came from a book of the same title by a Baptist preacher named Jack Hyles.

While shopping with my mother yesterday at Tuesday Morning we found the coolest jewelry holder!

For $14.95 it has places on BOTH sides!
She and I each bought one!

So I have been cleaning, organizing, reading, cooking, doing laundry, sanding, painting, decorating.....

I think it's called 'Homemaking.'


  1. You made me tired just reading about all that work. LOL I will state again how much I LOVE my denim blanket you made. I can't believe you don't have one yourself. You will enjoy it tremendously

  2. You and LD have been busy!!! Glad you are eating healthy :) Looking forward to seeing the new paper up!

  3. so glad to see LD making such progress..such nice weather for working...

  4. Your LD certainly looks great for a man so soon out of surgery! May he continue to recuperate so well with your good care. We're cooking a little differently these days too - heart smart!
    I love all your projects and look forward to seeing that denim and lace project.

  5. LD looks terrific! I can see how awesome of a nurse you've been. I'm glad to hear that someone is getting nice weather. Spring is again evading us!

  6. Just please... Don't either one of you, try to do tooooooooooooooooo much. Especially LD. After all, a stent is an operation. As I know.

    I know we are supposed to exercise but... Let's not get carried away. :-)

    Thank you for the picture of your healthy eating cookbooks!!! Who can't use suggestions, on that front? I know I can. :-)

    Gentle hugs,

  7. I'm exhausted reading this! :-) Great furniture makeover ~ love the color. Hope that LD is still doing well and yes, eating healthier is a good idea for all of us.

    There's an award for you over at my blog ~ take a look!

    Have a wonderful day...even with all the wind and humidity. :-(


  8. Wow busy girl! That sounds like you tough as denim and gentle like lace. More lace but you endure and last.
    I need to have at least a 1/4 of yours and Ambers motivation to get things done.
    You've given me an idea on how to soften a denim quilt I want to make for a friends little girl.

  9. First of all...I am your 52nd follower, which is very cool since my email is Mrstea52@aol.com, and I was born in 52!
    Linda! Thanks so much for visiting my blog today and following! You are my first follower from Texas!!! I LOVE Texas, although, I have never been there. Everyone in our family has. My daughter and her husband almost moved to Houston and my husband drove my son down and back, when he attended college for a year in West Texas. The people of Texas are welcoming and courteous. They were so gracious, and adopted Jay during his year at school!
    I apologize for going on and on...I'll just say that I am so pleased to make your aquaintence. My best to you and LD as he recovers and May God Bless You and Texas!

  10. Wow! You've been busy! When you find a good recipe, I hope that you'll share. We are also in the "must do better with eating" time of our lives.

    And I so want to see the denim and lace quilt. What a great combination of fabrics and textiles.

    Glad that you found the cookbook. Hope it was for a song. (Mine cost $4. I don't imagine Leslie would want to know. She never got rich writing cookbooks.)
