Monday, April 4, 2011

Vintage Knobs, Faucets and Spigots Make Great Jewelry Hangers!

My bathroom (which we started in October 2010) is STILL not finished! However that does not stop me from decorating the areas that ARE! Back in Oct. I moved everything out of said bathroom which included my jewelry. Louis Dean promptly knocked it all down from it's temporary hanging place in the bedroom and it has remained pretty much in a clump on the floor for months now! NO longer!!! While I still do not have the sink or toilet or floor or trim in place......I DO have all my necklaces neatly hanging from really cool hangers!

This one is my favorite!

And this one, TOO!!!
Louis Dean gathered up all the old rusty pieces of junk in his workshop and I wanted to use them all!

The door knob in the key plate is priceless and holds memories for Louis Dean!

Another vintage door knob Louis Dean has had for a long time!

The bathroom is so small I could not get a pic of the whole thing top to bottom.
Well, it doesn't go ALL the way to the floor!
The top ones I will have to use a stool to reach!
I am hanging my bracelets on another shelf with pegs on a different wall.

While I was on the ladder snapping pics I thought I would take this one of my light fixture.
We have two of these and instead of replacing we decided to redo them.
The bases are metal and of much better quality than what we were going to buy!
I picked up the globes at Goodwill for $2.99 each.

I have joked about walking the fine line between Shabby Chic and Rustic Red Neck!
I will close this post of my Country Ten Commandments I painted years ago!
The hand saw hangs above my shower now.

You can never go wrong following the Ten Commandments!


  1. great ideas for keeping your jewelry in order..

  2. I love your ideas - very clever solution to that tangle problem!

  3. No, we cannnot go wrong if we would use the commanents as we should. You have a such creative ideas, I would never have thought of using those things as a jewelry holder. I am looking forward to seeing the finished bathroom.

  4. How do you come up with these cool ideas? I love it. And your daughter Amber follows in your footsteps of creativity.

  5. What a novel idea, for hanging jewelry!!! Great decorating inspiration!!!


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