Saturday, April 9, 2011

Paint ON, Sand OFF.....Repeat!

We worked late last night on the trim in my bathroom. Louis Dean had already painted it a cream color days before. As he cut the first piece and held it up I realized it was never going to work! It looked so NEW! And shiny! I have distressed nearly everything in there including myself so this new wood would not do! I sanded the shine off with an electric sander and then used coarser sandpaper to further distress it. Brushed on a touch of taupe color and wiped most of that off and another wipe with the sandpaper and then a rag and it was done! One piece, anyway!
In the meantime, Louis Dean was figuring out how to mitre the ends so they meet like they are supposed to. I did the trim in the bathroom previously.....using the fake wood and doing the best I could adding Raffia bows to the corners where things didn't match up! THIS time I had Louis Dean on the job and he was determined to do it RIGHT! Even if it takes f.o.r.e.v.e.r.

We had the lights on over the work table so we could see what we were doing. Louis Dean cut the door frame sections PERFECTLY!!! You know....the two long ones and the short one over the door way! They matched in every way! YES!!!! He took them down so I could repaint/sand them and then when it came time to hang them up......the top piece was missing! We never found it! We had not GONE anyplace!!! He finally cut another which worked as good as the first! EXCEPT....he got so excited he nailed it right up without waiting for me to redo the finish on it! SO......I had to get on a ladder and sand (again IN the bathroom....making more of a mess!) and paint, stain, wipe it all off leaving some residue. No matter. We did it!! By this time he was determined to nail up a few more trim sections before I called a halt to the night! He was so tired he broke a glass and dropped a tool down the still open sewer hole....(I had covered it with a rug but that got nudged over!)

ENOUGH for one 'work' day....which started at 5:00 PM!!
That's the glass he later broke......good thing we have a lot more!

It was very late when we limped our way to the bed!
We got way too tired but together we make a pretty good team.

"Once a Job is first begun.....
Never Leave it til it's DONE!"

Someday, somehow, someway!


  1. Hope you rested well so your batteries are recharged for today!

  2. you two have been super busy...hope you've soaked up some of the nice sunshine..

  3. you guys enjoy your work together, that is the good thing!!

  4. David and I would kill each other if we worked together like that. That's crazy how that one piece disappeared. hmmm. Sounds like something that happens to me so often.
