Thursday, April 7, 2011

Honeysuckle and Roses....and more!

Since I was a child my favorite flowers....ESPECIALLY for summer bouquets....have been
Honeysuckle and Roses!
We have both and the roses are popping out before my very eyes!

The honeysuckle should be blooming any minute now!
This is the one God gave me by way of the birds!

The Georgia Honeysuckle IS blooming! It was advertised as extremely 'fragrant.'
It may take a couple of years for the smell to arrive!
I planted five of these last year and I am happy to say TWO of them made it!
This one is in the front flower bed and one in the back by the gazebo. It is has abundant sun and the other...not so much!
Both seem to be thriving! Go figure!

I took these pics yesterday BEFORE we started the marathon floor project!
I changed into grundgies and we worked into the night!
But we got it done! The floor, that is!!

This is my handsome husband putting down the very last piece.
I was his cheering section perched on a tiny folding chair and reading a book in between reminding him which way the arrows pointed on the tile pieces and giving encouraging words at the appropriate times!
I take my supervisor job seriously!
We were both equally tired by the time we retired to the gazebo for a glass of wine!
We DID do a bit of WHINE with our wine, I admit!!!
Then something wonderful happened!
HE drew his bath water......YES!! My manly husband LOVES baths! He hates showers!
While HE soaked in the tub I used my shower for the first time since October 3rd, 2010!
It was heavenly! I meant to get this body wash my daughter, Amber, told me about! Smells exactly like coconut tanning if you were ON the beach! I MUST shop for some tomorrow!

Today came all too soon! I did NOT put on any make up......but I DID wear earrings!
I ALWAYS wear earrings......and NO! my ears are NOT pierced!
I am one of the few left in this world who do not have pierced ears.
I put on my denim jumper and camisole and cap and set to work!
Alas, we did NOT get the trim up in my bathroom.
Louis Dean DID buy said trim and even painted it! AND he fixed my mitre saw so all is ready for tomorrow afternoon when we shall proceed to cut and nail it all up!
Men take a lot of time 'getting things ready.'
While HE was doing THAT......I was doing the yard!
I do not know that many people who do their own yard work any more.
Nearly everyone uses a service. People younger than we.
We do our own work.....whatever that may be.
I do the things I can do and Louis Dean does everything I can't!
My son, Benjamin, used to do our yard. He started a lawn service business when he was 12 and worked it til he was out of college and in business for himself as an independent insurance agent.
That's when I took over the job.
Keeping the lawn equipment running has been a problem for us so we invested in some electrical tools.
I used four machine today (and took awhile!)
Electric hedge trimmer, weed eater, lawn mower.
Gas powered edger.
I finally figured out the blade on the edger was worn out so Louis Dean put on a new one.
That SOUNDS took awhile!!
The old one was worn down SO much!!!
Now.....not being one to throw anything away......unless it belongs to Louis Dean or someone else....
I thought.......WHAT could I do with THIS????

And BINGO!!! I can't seem to help myself! I looked at it and thought of this teeny tiny pic of my grandson, Levi! What a perfect little frame! I sanded it, painted it and then stained it and 'blotted' it with a towel.
Presto! A neat little framed pic to add to the 'charm' of my new bathroom!!

Levi's pic now hangs under one of my necklace holders!
I have a real addiction to REDEEMING things!!
God has redeemed so much for me........

Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits: Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases; Who redeemeth thy life from destruction; who crowneth thee with lovingkindness and tender mercies; (Psalms 103:2-4 AV)


  1. Great post!!! The flowers are beautiful. I can't wait to get some rose bushes and a trellis for our backyard. And patio furniture. One step at a time... :)

    The frame was a great idea. You are so resourceful. I take pride in doing our yard work, too. As long as all the equipment works, I do most of it myself!! I love the feeling of sweating out in the yard and getting in a hard day's work and then everything looking so nice.

    PS - You will LOVE the coconut body wash! It's by St. Ives, I almost sent you some but then figured you'd have it by now!

  2. You know what? I LOVE it when a daughter makes the FIRST comment on a post! I think....YES!!!

  3. I am so jealous. The weather has changed here and we are having days in the 40s and 50s but everything is swamped with rain water and run off. I want to see flowers again!

  4. You have been a *busy beeeeeeeeeeeee*! :-) Getting projects done. And yard work too. Plus crafting. Making that old plane, into a picture frame... I call that crafting. :-)

    Beautiful picture at top. Of beautiful flowers and a beautiful lady, peeking through them. :-)

  5. you two are busy the smell of honeysuckles and roses...I've never had much luck with Mom can break of a piece..put it in the ground and it grows...I don't mow anymore..I have always done the lawn until last we have a nice guys that does it...and it gives me more time of other fun the veggie garden...little shoots...we are on almost an there is lots to mow...have a great weekend...
