Sunday, April 24, 2011

Celebrating EASTER with Family......

I already shared the Easter Dinner (Good Friday) food in my previous post! This one is about the PEOPLE!
I am so blessed to have family in my life. Family near and family far and many friends to go with them. What would life be without all the lovely PEOPLE God has placed around us?

I will begin with my Mother and my two oldest children! Mother came home with me after her beauty shop appointment which you remember is
My Mother is a 'girly' girl still having her hair and nails done and always wearing jewelry and make up.
It is not often she gets to see my grandchildren as none of them live in Fort Worth and with life as busy as it is these days visits are not as frequent as we would like. SO Good Friday was a GOOD day to see family!

We began the gathering in the gazebo.....a favorite place to congregate! Mother is holding her laminated 'Names Chart' my sister made for her. It lists all her children with a separate column for each and their families. This way she can simply point to the name and we know who she is referring to. Saves a lot of confusion and guessing games.

My sister in law, Ruth Ann her husband and daughter came to visit.
Becky took some of these pics but how did I not get ANY of Becky???

Louis Dean and Roy......We have these nice white rockers from Cracker Barrell we got for our anniversary last year. They are now seats for guests as Louis Dean restrapped the old comfy chairs that are at least 10 or more years old. SO often we find ourselves returning to tried and true comfort in spite of our 'upgrading!'
I shall find some fabric and make new covers for the cushions soon. We seldom throw anything away!!

We enjoyed a time to simply sit and chat. Life gets SO busy and SO stressful! Never under estimate the need to just STOP and BE for a little while.

Mother with Faith and Levi!

My youngest Grandchild, Abigale Rayne!

My lovely daughter in law with the baby!

Faith finished out our Good Friday entertainment with a set on the piano. She will be an accomplished musician like her mother!!!

Easter Sunday morning we attended Pantego Bible Church. Leigh Ann and the kids helped closed the service with some great singing!!

We all had lunch together at Camp Verde Mexican Restaurant.
Kind of a joke that the only word showing in the photo is Bar!
Other than that......great pic of son and family!

Jesse was a little more discerning when he took OUR picture!

Easter Weekend is now winding down and normal life will begin again.
When you think about it, Easter is what makes Christmas meaningful.
Jesus was born but if he had not died for us....and ROSE again on Easter....
We would not have heaven to look forward to. At one of the funerals we attended this past week, the pastor said we are 'POST Resurrection Christians.'  I like that term.

So dear family member or friend who is reading this......
I pray you have experienced a Blessed Easter.
Amber and Benjamin, you were surely missed!
Prayers for a good week for all of you!


  1. Glad you had a good Easter, Linda. We went to sunrise service and then we go downstairs to the basement where the men prepare breakfast. I have went to one church my whole life :) It is 1/2 block from my house.

  2. Great photo's. Glad you have a wonderful day. Christmas will be here before we know it. LOL

  3. Awesome photos. Your mother is very pretty and looks young enough to be your sister.

    glad to see you had a wonderful Easter. I almost wrote Christmas. I'm losing it quickly.

  4. Lovely pictures of a lovely family time together.

    ♥ ~ ♥

  5. I'm glad you had a great Easter weekend. Mother enjoyed her time with you. And we had a nice relaxing weekend.

  6. what fun Linda...I see you get your good looks from your Mom....glad you had a great Easter...

  7. Looking at these pictures reminds me a lot to my nephwes who live in Argentina. They have internet in their Buenos Aires apartments so we talk al least once a month on skype... but anyway I'd like to have pictures with them as you have with your family all together
    very nice, glad for you Linda
