Tuesday, March 1, 2011

My First Re Finish Project!

I am excited about redeeming some things I would have tossed away!
As a matter of fact I DID put this shelf from my bathroom on the curb......
only to look through the window at it sitting there and thinking....."what if....?"
My daughter, Amber, and several blogs have featured refinishing wooden pieces.
Since this was a goner anyway.....what did I have to lose?

We began by sanding it down pretty good.
Or I should say.....Louis Dean sanded it FOR me!

Then I sealed it with a coat of Kiltz.

After I painted it with two coats of white paint I slapped on some
'Colonial Green' in places.....then sanded.....again!

Yesterday I wiped it down with a mixture of Minwax stain and dirty turpentine from my art projects.
I wiped MOST of that off and then sanded yet again after it was dry.

The shelf is flipped upside down and this detailing is now the bottom edge.
This will hang above the door in my bathroom and hold some of my 'debris.'...
as Louis Dean calls it! He is in there hanging it now even though the bathroom is FAR from finished.
He said he might as well store it up there out of harm's way as any place else!
Once I refinish the built in wood cupboards in the same manner as this shelf,
I will apply a sealer and/or glaze to them.

This project has opened a whole new world for me!! Everywhere I look in my house now I am thinking,
"Wouldn't THIS look great painted........"
I may be on to something here!!


  1. what a cool project....looks really good

  2. Ohhh what a super ending, to your project!!!

    You are so brave. Wish I was brave enough to attempt such.


    I'm not.

