Tuesday, March 8, 2011


How I love mine! This past weekend we were all three together for the first time in YEARS!!
There are 21 years difference in Summer and Amber's age!
With life, college, business, work and Amber gone for a year to Scotland.....
we had not been together...just we three....for more than a casual visit or lunch in ever so LONG!
Actually, not since Amber was a kid!
We were going to change that!!
Summer took a day and a half off work and we were GONE!!
She and I make perfect travel companions.....laughing, singing and playing games the whole way!

Interstate 45 SOUTH!!

Friday morning was relaxing as we slept til we woke up!
Actually, Amber's kitties woke us up letting it be known it was time for breakfast!
After Amber fed and medicated them.....she made THE most delicious smoothies to get us off to a good start! Full of protein and fruit...they were as tasty as they were HEALTHY!

Friday was our BEACH DAY! All three of us love Galveston!

This denim shirt is one of my favorites! I bought it NEW at a Goodwill Thrift Store when Amber was about 5 years old. That makes for 20 long years of wear! It is so comfortable. I wear it on nearly EVERY road trip!

We ate and shopped and drove up and down Sea Wall Blvd.

I bought my FIRST pair of Flojos!!
I love them!

We spent some quality time in the rocking chairs on the deck of Murdochs!

Summer took some great pics....

And Amber took some.
They are so much better with a camera than I!

I really like this one and want to print and frame it...

It was totally RELAXING!

But all too soon our day was ending and we headed back across the causeway and then through Houston and on to Katy! I was comfy in the back seat of Amber's Avalanche while she battled the traffic!

Wine and appetizers were ready in no time!
Amber knows her way around a kitchen and can whip up just about anything within a few minutes!
It always turns out picture perfect!

Notice the beautiful hand painted wine glass?
Summer gifted me with this as a token of remembrance from our trip.
I think she bought it at Murdochs.
I think it holds about half a BOTTLE of wine!!

Amber did her magic in the kitchen and in no time we were dining!

She makes it look so EASY!!!

We pretty much ate our way through the weekend!
Lunch on Saturday was here...

We ate  healthy at every meal......
if you do not count the stop at

the Ooh La La! Bakery!!
They are featuring Guinness Stout Cupcakes in honor of St. Patrick's Day.
Amber and Mike both said they were GOOD!!

We took pics at every opportunity!

Another great meal for Saturday night!
Amber cooks dinner NEARLY every.single.night.
That is quite unusual in this day and age....and she is only 25 years old!
AND every meal is typical of the ones she made while we were visiting!

Dinner by the fireplace followed by a movie.....'Letters From Juliet.'
A lovely way to end our Saturday night!

After church the next morning we headed to ......

Texas Roadhouse!
This is one of Amber and Mike's FAVORITE places!!
Summer treated us all to a great meal before we had to pack up and head for home!

It was time to say Good Bye......and we really didn't WANT to!!

But we plan to go back!

"Of all the haunting moments of motherhood, few rank with hearing your own words come out of your daughter's mouth."

Victoria Secunda

Or seeing MY mannerisms in each of MY daughters!


  1. Linda, I am so glad you had this special time together!!! What memories you will cherish....

  2. What a wonderful three days you had, Linda. I so enjoyed the pictures. Thank you for sharing them!


  3. What an amazing time you had, surely a trip you'll never forget! Daughters are the best!

  4. what a fun time with your daughters...

  5. okay you finished me off. I read Ambers blog and now yours and I'm hungry after seeing those pictures of food. It's only 10am. Sounds like a great weekend. I keep trying to find a way to get my mom and Pam away for a weekend. Pam and I are the easy ones it's my mom that we have to work around. But we do have our time together when we can.

  6. What a lovely, lovely time, you all must have had!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    And the weather looks as if it was perfect, too!


  7. that was such an awesome weekend, it couldn't have gone better. yall come back any time! ;) love you mom!

  8. Such joy on your faces! What a very special weekend! Your daughters are beautiful.

  9. You gals had quite a trip! Is there anything better than a daughter??? Be careful with those flops--they'll spoil you for any other kind of shoe!

  10. This is the best ever. Quality family time together. I enjoyed the trip thorough your lens. You have two great daughters.
