Wednesday, March 16, 2011


I woke up this morning thinking of so many things to celebrate today!

I love this verse from Song of Solomon 2:11-12
"For, lo, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone;
The flowers appear on the earth;
The time of the singing of birds is come."

I love waking up to birdsong coming in the open windows and door.

Another cause for celebration......
This day two years ago Louis Dean had a heart attack.
I had taken him to the ER in the early hours of March 16th. one else was in the ER at that time and he had the undivided attention of everyone!
As they were checking him out his heart rate dropped to 20 and they rushed him into the heart cath lab...
where, as he lay there, he experienced a heart attack.....
WHILE the doctors and nurses were attending him!
Talk about God's perfect timing!
Just hours later he had two stints put in....
two arteries were blocked ...
one 95% and one 80%.

We have been blessed that his heart did not sustain major damage and with diet, exercise and medicine,
he is as strong and healthy as any 74 year old man can be!

During these past two years, we have vacationed in the mountains of Colorado and spent a month in Scotland with Amber and Mike.....gone camping and done a ton of yard work and house redo's.
We have spent countless hours in our gazebo together....drinking coffee in the mornings and sipping wine in the evenings.
We LAUGH every single day.
That is one of the things I love best about Louis Dean.
He laughs out loud.
(so many men don't!)
Yes, he talks LOUDLY and often.....
it is music to my ears!

We have been married for nearly six years.
What an amazing adventure it has been for me.
I know what it feels like to be truly loved and cherished.
And I love and cherish Louis Dean.
No matter how much  I tease him  about 'damage control'.......

Song of Solomon 2:16
"My beloved is mine and I am his."


  1. such an amazing life you guys have! and to be able to appreciate it and celebrate it the way you both do is even more amazing. love you guys!

  2. Celebrate away! Y'all deserve it. Louis Dean does not look 74 I must say. Here's hoping for many more years of coffee in the gazebo and loud talking. LOL

  3. A happy time - wishing you many more!

  4. You deserve to be celebrating and HAPPY! Makes all those rough times in life more worth going through if they led to the amazing life you have now. I am SO glad you both gave that dating thing one last chance! LOL

  5. Ok, a big waaaaahhhhhh from me, which you know means how happy this makes me that all is well in your world, even thoygh I wish I could pop over now and then! :)

  6. That's a lot to be thankful for! :)

  7. What is it about March, hu? The 10th was the day I had my 3 stents put in, a few years ago. Never got to experiencing a heart attack. But had so many weird hurts and 'feelings,' that my heart doc got ins. to pay for a non-intrusive test, which showed 3 arteries much clogged.

    So, mine was kind of "in the nick of time."

    Happy for him an for me.

    And all the things we CAN NOT EAT, are really not that hard to do, are they? :-)

    "May you have warm words on a cold evening,
    a full moon on a dark night,
    and the road downhill all the way to your door."

    Happy St. Patrick's Day.

  8. what a awesome day for glad everything turned out great...

  9. I agree, you have so much to be thankful for,
    but the good thing about you is that you express it! We all have so much to be thankful for and it's good to be reminded.
    Thank you!
