Sunday, February 6, 2011

SUPER Bowl Sunday!!

Change in our plans! We had PLANNED on leaving this morning for Katy, Texas arriving in time to join Amber and Mike at their friend's home for Super Bowl! After all the bad weather and illness we have had.....we decided to stay home and visit them early in the spring. I admit it! I was MORE than a little blue. I am yearning to see Amber's office......and AMBER, of course! Plus it would have been nice to actually GO somewhere for a few days! However, I am a grown up and have learned to handle life's little focusing on something else and making the best of things! SO! As we were sitting in the den this morning with our coffee we decided to have our own Super Bowl Party!

Louis Dean bought a huge ham yesterday.....

and we make a killer potato salad

plus Louis Dean has perfected the BEST cooked green bean recipe ever!

Sounds like Party Food to ME!!

We called Roy and Ruth Ann.....our sister and brother in law!
They have had cabin fever, too!
SO we have FOOD and GUESTS!

Go Super Bowl!!!

I am personally partial to Aaron Rogers opps! I mean Rodgers! (Sorry sis!) ......I bet his mother is proud of HIM!
So I guess that means I am rooting for the PACKERS!!!

Which Team are YOU cheering on???


  1. I am for the Packers also ... Monte said Aaron is a REAL RODGERS so I am hoping you left out the "D". LOL If he isn't, guess we are still rooting for him. I have made Monte's fav today for the game... Pinto beans, potatoes and cornbread... he is in hog heaven! Have fun ya'll

  2. Hello to you, Linda! Thank you so much for leaving a Comment on my blog, and thus, introducing yourself. Comments rock, don't they? We meet new Dear Bloggers, because of Comments left. Both by us and by them.

    Thank you for saying that my Cursive Font is pretty. With a Daughter being a professional Editor, I certainly appreciate your critiques! And I agree, I'll probably not keep it, forever.

    But I do so love to "play around" with things on my blog. Not being crafty, guess my blog is my outlet, along those lines. :-)

    Sorry that you too, seem to have had a hard start with the year, from what you posted... About not taking that trip, right now. I understand. My Jan. and part of Feb. have been just awful, with health issues. I'm feeling so much better, and am sooooo glad for this.

    You look as if you are now feeling very well tooooo. Wonderful! Health is the most important issue, at our age, I do think. Well, I'm not sure of your age, but mine is 73. So it certainly is, for me.

    So happy to have Net-met you!

    Hugs and ♥'s...
    'Cause Valentine Day is coming!

  3. sounds like a great way to salvage your day! the weather here is beautiful and just think, we'll be able to do some fun things (sans any ice) when you guys get to make it down. and we'll see at the end of the month now anyway! love you moM!!!!!

  4. sorry your plans got canceled...but looks like you made lemonaide out of lemons...we don't watch football so it doesn't matter to us...

  5. We are laying low, but our kids are getting together for a party. Hubby is still disappointed that the Packers beat the Bears so he is swearing off watching the game...we'll see! ;-)

    Have much fun today!!


  6. I'm a Patriots fan, but if I had to pick a team today, I would root for the Packers, too. Hope you have a nice time watching the game!!

  7. Have fun at your party, Linda. Go Green Bay!

  8. Well, since it's not the Boy's I kinda have to go with the Steelers. But Billy wants the PACKERS because if the Steelers win that will give them 2 Super Bowls above the Cowboys and thats kinda hard to catch up to.

  9. Oh thank you so much for saying that the fact that I like cursive writing, says nice things about me. I do, I do, love it. And when I was into real letter writing, I like to use a fountain pen.

    But sad to say, my writing is not pleasing to me, anymore. And I don't like to *inflict* it on others. -sigh-

    I'm not familiar with graphology, or the study of it. I must look it up. :-)

    Hugs and ♥'s...
    'Cause Valentine Day is coming!
