Sunday, January 9, 2011

A Snowy Sunday!

A snowy Sunday in January is NOT that common in the DFW area!
This is my little Snow Lady who stands guard by the front door.
She looked right at home today!

Can you SEE the snow coming down? For others up North......this is nothing to blog write about!

For is a big deal!

Louis Dean spent the better part of the morning and early afternoon working on my bathroom remodel.
He had to venture out to retrieve his stool from the truck....but he hurried back inside!

I spent most of my day doing little puttering jobs.....I cleaned out kitchen drawers.
I made hand crafted cards to send to friends on was a fun game we had going.
I read several chapters in my Sue Grafton novel....U is for Undertow.
I payed Scrabble on Facebook with my friend!
(Have I mentioned I LOVE Facebook??)
I did NOT make up the bed!
I did NOT exercise!
Actually, this felt like a 'free' day!
We attended church last night so the whole day was ours to enjoy....guilt free!!
And it is not over yet! Football is on and the fireplace is glowing.
I may yet take a nap!
Perhaps a movie (recorded on TV) tonight complete with popcorn and cokes!

I LOVE a Snowy January Sunday!!!


  1. Love your blog, Aunt Linda. You celebrate everything!!

  2. I am glad you are enjoying the snow, as long as you are safe and warm! It sounds like you are having a great day on top of it all! I love Sue Grafton's novels, too and I have read U Is For Undertow. I am excited for the next one and will be sorry when she gets to Z! Have you read all of them?

    Well, enjoy that movie and snuggling up in front of the fire!


  3. Glad you are having a snow day, Linda! I love your new header!!!
