Sunday, January 30, 2011

My Memory Wall.....

I have been spending quite a bit of time in this room lately. This was my daughter's room. Summer's first then 21 years later it became Amber's. It is now our guest room and for the past week my 'sick room.' It is where I have been resting in relative peace and quiet during this bout with cold/flu/allergies while Louis Dean has been at work on my bathroom. When I would get a bit of energy I would get up and rearrange some things on this wall...adding some updated photos and redoing some frames. I took a cue from Amber and spray painted some odd and end frames black to form a better grouping....and I like it a lot! Black is my new favorite color!

I stuck a few photos in these for the time being  but will print up some in black and white soon!
Do you see the little heart hanging? Amber's childhood friend, Joy, made that for one of her birthday's.
Joy and Amber have been friends since they were in the nursery together at church!
I admire both my daughters ability to keep friends for their entire lives! What a blessing!
I have a lot of friends but none that go all the way back to my childhood!

I decided this painting belongs in THIS room!!

I picked up this photo holder at Hobby Lobby and hung it where I had some Norman Rockwell decorative plates. For whatever reason I am wanting to 'get rid of stuff' and put together a bit of a new look.

I will always be sentimental about 'stuff'......I will keep forever the things my children have given me!

Our wedding picture from June 26, 2005.

A favorite picture of a favorite niece.

An old pic of Amber and Benjamin so many years ago.....

Yes, I have been spending many hours strolling down Memory Lane lately.
I think it's been because I have been too sick to do much!
I am grateful for each and every treasured memory I have tucked away in my mind!
And I have especially enjoyed those hanging on my 'Memory Wall.'


  1. Your gallery is beautiful and sentimental. Taking a walk down memory lane sounds like a nice, quiet pastime while you recover from your bug. I really hope you kick it soon.

    You look beautiful in your wedding picture and Louis Dean, quite handsome! And I, too, have saved every little gift my children have ever given me. What a great place to share all of your family love!

    Get well soon!


  2. Get well soon, Linda. I love all your memories and getting to see some of them. Dan and I are munching on your Texas trash today. Thanks again!

  3. When we have nothing else, we have our memories. So glad you are getting to stroll through those memories. Hope you are feeling better very soon.

  4. You have terrific decorating sense. My walls are all crowded with framed photos and I always lament that there is no space to add more. Photographs really are a window to memories. It looks like a lovely, peaceful place to be. Please feel better soon.

  5. Your memory wall looks great! What a good idea. Hope your feeling better.

  6. Love this - and love seeing all the photos!

  7. Wonderful... I can see why you would want to spend your recuperation time in there.

  8. what a nice wall....I love that quilt I see on the bed...
