Friday, January 21, 2011

Fabulous FRIDAY!!

I am having a Fabulous Friday!! It started with waking after a good night's sleep!! I think I just woke up THREE times last night! FABULOUS! I left for Fort Worth at 10 am......even I can be ready to leave by 10! Nita dropped Mother off at the beauty shop on her way to work so I arrived at 11 to pick her up. On the way I made a bank deposit (always a GOOD thing!) and unloaded my car trunk at a Charity Collection box then dashed into Hobby Lobby for some cool 'Wall Art'.......

that I used on my dishwasher! I LOVE it!!!
Makes me wonder what I could do to my closet doors now!

Anyway, Mother treated me to lunch at Red Lobster......a favorite place for us!

Mother LOVES their clam chowder....AND the biscuits!

After lunch she said she was game to go on errands with me.

Now here is where I have to tell you the UN fabulous part of this Friday!
Poor Louis Dean is sick with a cold!

One of my 'to do's' for the day was to buy some rum......

with which to make him a Hot Toddy!

This entailed a trip to.....

the Majestic Liquor Store!
I asked Mother if she wanted to wait for me in the car while I ran in and got what I needed.
She said, "NO! I'll GO in!!"
Sooooooooooooo.....I took my elderly mother by the hand and IN we WENT!

We began to go down the wine isles looking at all the bottles with an eye on the labels that would make interesting 'Wine Bottle Lights.'
Some of the labels are outlandish!!! SOOOO funny!!!
We laughed and laughed as we went up and down the wine rows!!
Mother would point and say, "LOOK at THIS!!!"
(Although she had a stroke in Sept. 2005 that greatly affected her speech....sometimes whole sentences come out PERFECT! This was one of those days when many of them did just that!)
The lady that worked there came up to us and said, "You ladies are having WAY too much fun!"
I explained why we were so interested in the labels and bottles and then SHE proceeded to join in on the fun! She showed us around the whole store pointing out clever (and expensive) bottles that would make perfect lights!! There were vodka bottles and some other kind that looked like ICE!
"Wouldn't white lights look awesome in those?" she asked. 
If any of you read this and want to donate EMPTY bottles for my projects.....I am a TAKER!!
After a nice visit with the manager I purchased my one bottle and we were on to our next adventure!

Now I LOVE a good Goodwill!! Mother.....not so much! Today seemed to be her day for trying new things because she was excited about going in! I found a few treasures....

Like this HUGE fan for $3! I plan to spray paint it black and either hang it in the guest room or on the side of the house OR use it off season in front of the den fireplace.

Next stop.....

Nothing like a good $ Store!!! Mother really wanted to go in here!!!
I found some environment friendly cleaner......along with some containing truly harsh chemicals!
Some cleaning jobs require these! (Remember my bathroom  renovation project!)
I bought several things and so did Mother!

NEXT office where I mailed out the promised Texas Trash!

I took Mother home and showed her the blog post about 'Texas Trash'.
She said she did INDEED name it that!!
We always enjoy our time together and we ALWAYS laugh a LOT!!

Then I was off to home where I have been content to putter around doing my homemaking projects!

I made these coffee pics with Summer's help!
The pics came from a calendar.

Another project in the making! I plan to put this on my pantry door.

I gave the sewing/computer room a good cleaning!
LOVE this table given to me by my son and his wife.
I often sit here and read or work my jigsaw puzzle.

I made a display using wine bottles and this vintage satchel.
Inside the satchel would never guess!!!
The Greek and Latin curriculum I used when Home Schooling!
I still refer back to it and plan to continue studying it on my own!
Education never ends!

This will make an interesting wine light......
after the wine is gone!

This will be my final chore of this Fabulous Friday!
I keep things forever! This flannel nightgown is 26 years old!
I bought it when I was expecting Amber!
My heart squeezed when I noticed it has a hole!!!
I shall MEND it and hopefully wear it a few more years!
It was heavy as all get out when I bought it! Now it is as light as a feather!

Now I am through with my cleaning, my chores, my Scrabble games on Facebook
and my blog post for today!  I shall stoke up the fireplace, fix Louis Dean a hot toddy and settle down in the den with my journal and a good book! It has been a FABULOUS day!

Happy Friday, Folks!!!
Take pleasure in the little things!!!
That's what LIFE is made of!


  1. Linda,
    I was such a great day for you and your Mom. I read every word :) Her speech is very much like my Mom's. Sometimes ok, sometimes the words come out wrong. She gets frustrated about it, at times :( Hope LD feels better!!!

  2. I love productive days like that! So happy you and Grandma still have such good times together, amazing. And proud of you for getting some enviro-friendly cleaner, way to go! It's small steps that count. Love you mom, wish I was there to share in your weekend but we will be soon enough!!
