Friday, January 14, 2011

Changing Things Around......

Isn't that what we DO in January? I have had so much fun with Summer and her scrapbooking things! She spent the night Wednesday and while she used her magic machines to cut out things.......

I re did a framed print.....this was hanging on the wall beside my computer!

I replaced the print with a sheet of scrapbooking paper.
I LOVE this beautiful French script!

Summer cut out some Letters for me to use and PRESTO!
A whole new look!

Which led to more paper crafting!
None of this is permanent either!
I used a glue stick on the framed pieces so I can take them apart and do something different...
perhaps shamrocks for St. Patrick's Day? I can SO see this!
On the cans I simply used my good strapping tape I have for packaging items I sell on eBay.
Remember the days of covering tin cans with paper projects?
(And since I can see in the photo my unfinished wall end to the French doors.....
I shall have to add that little 'Honey- Do' to Louis Dean's already LONG list!)

I love a fresh, new and different look!

This is where I perch for a few minutes at a time through out the day.
I never stay on the computer for LONG.......
just short bursts to check my emails, or my Facebook, or my eBay,
or my blog, or Google something, or play Scrabble or Three Towers Solitaire, or..........


  1. Love your little corner. So homey. I love to see where we all blog :)

  2. You've been so busy, Linda. I love the French script. Schoolchildren in France are still taught a lovely script - my daughter's teenage French exchange partner (school language exchange) has the most beautiful handwriting.

    And so nice to see your computer corner.

  3. Very cute idea! I have some old frames and a Cricut...

  4. The paper crafting is addictive! I love what you have done! I sit at my computer sporadically, too, but almost always all day long!

    Happy Weekend, Linda!


  5. Love your new blog look too! Your computer corner is very pretty - Love the new look! Can't wait to see what we do next week....any ideas?
