Saturday, November 27, 2010

A Lull in the Action!

I am enjoying looking at all my friends' blogs and seeing how they spent their Thanksgiving Day and are now.....if they have not already done so.......are decorating their homes for Christmas. However, here at the Chapman's there is a temporary lull in the action! I took down ALL of my fall decorations and packed them  away last week! Every single thing is stored in the attic secure in plastic tubs or heavy duty trash bags. ALL of fall is now up there including all my seasonal clothing. My house looks naked!

Or as bare as it can be with no seasonal 'debris' adorning every possible surface!

I have so many lighted wreaths and garlands that I keep year round that even 'naked' it retains a bit of coziness. I found some more of those push button extension cords that are wonderful.  I have another one for the left side of the room so three clicks and the lights are ON!

A fellow blogger at A Stroll Through Life  did a post  about a terrific product called Briwax! I ordered some off of eBay and have been shining up all my furniture and cabinets ever since! I decided to clean the whole house BEFORE hauling in all the Christmas decorations from the shed attic. I do so love the look and feel and smell of CLEAN!

Although I have not decorated yet....I HAVE been working on finishing my Christmas painting projects! This is a little tray that I will pair with a Wine Bottle Light, a couple of wine glasses and a bottle of good wine. That will be one of the gifts for our Family Chinese Christmas Tree Party we have on Christmas morning. You know the kind! Gifts are numbered and we each draw one......then as our number is called we may choose a gift from under the tree OR opt to take one already opened that you REALLY like! Of course, someone may well take that one away from YOU so you must be a good sport....or have a good game plan you have worked out with your partner. A gift can only be 'stolen' three times and then it is a done deal!

I also hung all my Christmas Santas! I usually decorate the den with red and green plaids and a Santa theme!

This lighted wreath (with a push button to turn it off and on!) hangs in my sewing/computer room year round.

SO while there has been a 'lull in the action' I HAVE been busy!

Louis Dean spent ALL of Wednesday baking cinnamon rolls as well as dinner breads for the Thanksgiving Feast at my sister's in Fort Worth.

He is a man among men and I am so happy WITH and proud OF him!

It was a wonderful day to share with family and loved ones!

We are so very blessed. I am filled with gratitude for all the Lord has done for me.
And I am grateful for the 'lull in the action' which has allowed me to accomplish a few other things before heading into the Christmas Season!

 "And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him."

Colossians 3:17


  1. I pretty much wrote about the same 'lull' in my post today...just not ready to fill the house up yet again with seasonal decorations. Did you paint all of the Santa portraits on the wall? They are beautiful! And I enjoyed seeing all of your family pictures. It looks like you had a wonderful Thanksgiving.


  2. We really enjoyed our time with you guys! Being there always feels like home. I am envious of everyone that's getting to decorate for Christmas, I'd love to just be unpacking boxes at this point. Hoping for the best. Love y'all!

  3. I have so enjoyed the holidays - nice to spend time with family. Plus, LD's cinnamon rolls were delish, we had them every morning from Friday to Sunday - what a special treat! Wish we were pulling out Christmas and decorating, maybe we will do a little especially since it's Abby's 1st Christmas. Love you MOM!
