Sunday, October 17, 2010

Fall Crafts With the GRANDkids!

Each fall I do a craft with my grand kids! I try to keep them simple but of good enough quality for them to keep and add to their collection year after year!

This was the first one I did with Sam and Faith.
I always make one for myself. I like 'Making Memories', too!

Another year we made pumpkins from dryer of my ALL time FAVORITES!
I will be making more of these in years to come when little Abigail Rayne Parks is a bit older!

I picked up these wooden pumpkins after the 2007 fall season for 90% off regular price!
They were perfect painting projects for 2008...even Levi painted one!
They are displayed on their front porch.

Last year we made the most time consuming and involved project so far!
This pic is of the one Benjamin made when he was about 8 years old. Amber made one which hangs on another kitchen door only she made hers a brunette! They each have a missing eye which I could easily replace.....however THEY made them and I like them just the way they are!!
Sam and Faith said THEIRS did not hold up too well so....
 sometimes it is better to stick with the more simple sturdy projects!

Which is JUST what I did THIS year....YESTERDAY, actually!!
What could be sturdier than CANS??

I think they turned out super cute!! The kids can take them for Trick or Treating if they would like!
I still have MINE which I have hanging by my computer
and I keep papers, pens and what have you all close at hand!

How about a quick tour of my son's home? Leigh Ann has it all dolled up for FALL!!

I LOVE their front door!!! It is ALWAYS decorated!

The ladder is SO clever!!!
 I am going to claim one for myself from Louis Dean's collection!

I enjoy doing crafts with kids! I'm already thinking about NEXT year's project.
Doing this together with the grand kids probably means more to me than it does to them!
Perhaps I should add a CHRISTMAS project to the calendar! 
And then something for VALENTINE'S Day...
and EASTER.....
and a PATRIOTIC theme.....
I better go look through some of my old craft magazines now......


  1. Thanks for your visit to Pondside. I enjoyed having a look at your cute projects - what a fantastic grandma you are!
    Your son's and DIL's house is lovely - I love that ladder and I think you really need to get yourself one too!

  2. You are the BESTEST Grandma! I love all that you do for and with your Grandkids. So much like my Granny and me :)

  3. So many neat projects, Linda!! I love them all, especially the cute cans! How creative you are and this is wonderful time to spend with your grand kids! I also like your son and DIL's festive! The ladder is a great idea!!

    Have a wonderful week, my friend!


  4. i remember many of those projects! being creative is always something never in shortage at your home. :)

  5. Hallo Linda, thanks for visiting my blog. Always lovely to find new blogging friends. I do love your crafts and your grandchildren are just sooooo lucky to have such an enterprising grandma. The Fall (autumn) isn't such a big thing over here; I guess we're all busy clearing up after the summer and then preparing for Christmas. That's the big time for decorating houses.
