Sunday, September 12, 2010

Two Linda's...One 'MiMi'....One 'Nana'...

Linda and I share three grandchildren...Samuel, Faith and Levi. I think it's cool we are both Linda!
Saturday we had a chance to visit and watch the GK's while Jesse and Leigh Ann were away celebrating their 12th wedding anniversary. Linda stayed the weekend with  the kids and I went over Saturday morning to visit with her. We took Sam to his ballgame practice and Linda entertained Faith and some of her little friends with a craft.....rings made of pipe cleaners! She is so creative!

She made Levi a super cool stick man!

Faith loved the bag of costume jewelry Linda gave her. It's nice to be able to entertain children with simple crafts and creative uses for things we already have. I am cleaning out my old jewelry this week in anticipation of a new life for some of it!
We all went to a craft fair after the practice which inspired Sam and Faith to get all their art projects and present them for a gallery tour! They spread them out on tables and chairs in the den and Linda and I browsed the art show just as we had done at the craft fair. (Wish I had taken a pic of their projects!)
As I was preparing to leave, Linda was taking this show on the road! Her mother is in an assisted living arrangement and Linda was loading the kids and their art in the van and going over there to set up an art show that even MORE MiMi's, Nana's and Grandma's would enjoy! 


  1. Love your post. Look on my facebook pictures for a picture of a jewelry christmas tree you could make one of those

  2. Sounds like you had a full weekend! Glad it was a good one.
