Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Posted by PicasaWe had a WONDERFUL Labor Day weekend!! Family, Food, FUN!!
I am now back to my real world....a world of quiet and Louis Dean and me and the dog and cats. We sure made a lot of memories during this past holiday. Looking forward to the next one....but for now I am enjoying sitting in the gazebo as it is lightly raining...reading...writing....thinking....praying. I love my life!


  1. Linda,
    Your posts always give me a warm and fuzzy feeling! So glad you are having a great time in your life!

  2. Thanks, Robin! I am feeling warm and fuzzy! LD and I have been sitting out in the gazebo with light rain falling and cooler temps enjoying our evening glass of wine. It's the little things that mean the most, don't you think?

  3. the photo collage is really neat. how do you do that?

  4. Love the photo collage! WTG Mom!

  5. The collage looks great...glad you had a great weekend. We did also. But yes it is the little things that give the most pleasure.

  6. It looks like a good time was had by all!
