Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Eat Pray Love

Last night a lovely group of ladies from First Christian Church met for OUR version of 'Eat Pray Love.' We had SO much fun! I think we all may have arrived a bit tired and weary....it WAS a MONDAY after all! By the time we had eaten and prayed and laughed and loved......well, I think we all had a lighter and merrier heart! I know I certainly did!!


  1. LOVE the picture of you laughing. Looks like a good time, indeed! I'm looking forward to being around during art class, I always enjoyed being "present" and just hearing all the good times coming from the dining room. :)

  2. So glad you had such fun. We belong to a home fellowship group that meet in different homes each Sunday...we always 'break bread' with each other and everyone brings their best dish. Some awesome food and fellowship...and we can't wait for the next one.
    xo bj
