Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Celebrating SEPTEMBER!!!

 It is September 1st!!!! I am CELEBRATING as I have been in the habit of doing for over 25 years! It is ONE of my FAVORITE days in the whole year! As soon as I rolled out of bed I began blasting out Neil Diamond's 'September Morn!'
I can listen to this over and over and never get tired of it! I have several CD's of his music and one I put together myself.....putting September Morn in as every third song!

So after I got the music going and poured myself that first cup of coffee.....I got out the pumpkin cookbook for my Pumpkin Muffins. I love the FRAGRANCE just about as much as I do the TASTE of these treats! My friend, Annie Pilley, used to make Pumpkin Bread long years ago and I followed her tradition of making it every fall. I think she used to bake it in coffee cans as I remember.

I have been using this recipe for the last 10 years or so and it has proved to be a GOOD one. I may still have Annie's recipe....I will have to look for it and compare it to this one. In my memory they are the same! Funny how we associate taste, smell and sounds with precious memories.

Hot from the oven and a 'sample' one cut open and buttered.....all ready for taste testing! I can't give them away unless I KNOW they are good, RIGHT?? I made two batches and ended up with 4 dozen muffins, 1 mini loaf and a half dozen 'muffin tops'.....I LOVE those muffin top pans!!

All package up and ready to deliver! June is actually coming by on her way home from work to pick up hers! Kimmy, her daughter, absolutely LOVES these! I am adding a couple to Bro. Ray's spaghetti meal we are taking him this for an afternoon snack and one for his morning coffee. Of course I kept some for US as well. Just in case YOU drop by!!We will have a muffin and a glass of tea and sit in my 'golden decorated for fall' living room and listen to Neil Diamond together!!


  1. Oh Boy! I saw a bag with my name on it.
    Thank you.

  2. Jo Ann Napier EckertSeptember 1, 2010 at 4:34 PM

    That's it....I'm dropping by! Hope you are doing well!

  3. Love it! Your pumpkin muffins are my fave, so glad I have your recipe. And I love that you celebrate Sept 1 each and every year - I think of no one but you when I hear Neil Diamond! See ya soon!!

  4. I can't wait until they have those sweet little pumpkins in the store!

  5. Oh, you should have invited me. I LOVE Neil Diamond.
    I saw him in person here a few years ago and it was a marveous
    Have a nice holiday weekend.

    Connie :;)

  6. Hi!!!! Glad you found my Texas Blogging Gals! You will be on the next updated list.

    I'm Following...Come see me at my personal blog, too, real soon.
