Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Wholesome Oat Muffins

Poor Louis Dean is on his 5th day of being ill. I have been looking over recipes and cooking heart healthy for him. I would imagine he has lost some weight since he has not felt like raiding the refrigerator and has only been eating the food I have served him for the past week! He is up long enough to eat and take baths and occasionally sit in the den and watch his financial TV programs. I KNOW he is sick! And I MISS him! He and I are buddies and usually spend most of our days together. He has even been sleeping in the guest room so I won't get what he believes is a viral infection. It feels like he has gone away on a journey of some kind.....and in a way he HAS! SO I have been busy cleaning and cooking and making notes of healthy recipes! I just made these Wholesome Oat Muffins and they SMELL as delicious as they taste! This afternoon I think I will wrap up a couple and take to an elderly friend. That will get me out of the house for a little while! Hopefully Louis Dean will be BACK soon! Have I mentioned that it is lonely without him? I will not complain about doing 'Damage Control' now.....a clean house is boring without HIM!

Wholesome Oat Muffins
3/4 c + 2 T Oats
1 c buttermilk
1 1/4 c white whole wheat flour or whole grain flour
1 1/2 t baking powder
1/2 t baking soda
1/4 t cinnamon (I used MORE!)
1/4 t salt
2/3 c chopped walnuts
1/3 canola oil (I used EVVO)
1 egg, beaten
1/3 c brown sugar or substitute
1 t vanilla

Preheat oven to 400*. Coat muffin pans with cooking spray.
Combine 3/4 c of oats and the buttermilk and let set for 30 min.
Combine flour, baking powder, soda, salt, cinnamon and walnuts together.
In large bowl, stir together oil, egg, brown sugar and vanilla until well blended. Stir in the oat mixture. Stir in the flour mixture until just combined. Do not  over mix.
Divide evenly into the muffin pans. It makes a dozen.  Bake 11-15 min or until a wooden pick comes out clean.

180 calories
10 g fat
1 g saturated fat
4 g protein
21 g carbohydrate
3 g dietary fiber
10 mg cholesterol
191 mg sodium


  1. UMMM! I can smell the muffins from here! Hope Louis Dean feels better soon.

  2. They look good! Hope LD is feeling better.

  3. Thank you, girls! He seems to be a little better. Hopefully he will wake up in the morning more like his old self! I sure have missed him!
