Friday, August 27, 2010

Golden Corn Bread!

I made up a batch of this golden corn bread this morning to take to my Mother's for lunch. That along with a roasted chicken, black eyed peas, steamed broccoli and a peach salad made for a tasty AND wholesome meal. (Never mind that the cornbread is NOWHERE NEAR on the South Beach Diet!)

I have been using this recipe from a vintage 1969 Farm Journal Cookbook for years and years! My husband is an excellent cook but he cannot make cornbread to compare to mine! Believe me...he has tried! Of course, I follow the recipe. Perhaps that is why mine turn out every time!

This taste so much better than any mix could and I know there are a lot of good mixes out there. We have 3 pieces left  in the skillet after leaving 2 for Mother. I think Mother and Louis Dean both plan to eat what is left the same old fashioned meal of cornbread and milk!


  1. I love cornbread and milk for a grandparent, Leon and Gladys Gresham, use to crumble cornbread into a glass of cold milk for supper. I have never been able to make good cornbread, so we buy it at a little diner here and have it for supper often. Amazing the memories of good times with my grandparents that it brings back to mind each time!
    Amy Parker Waldrop

  2. That looks good - I made banana bread and bran muffins the other day. My scratch cornbread always comes out dry - so I use a mix.
