Monday, August 9, 2010

Basking inthe glow.....

As I write this post on Monday evening I am STILL basking in the glow of a wonderful weekend! Amber and Mike arriving home from Scotland on Friday.....Saturday spent with my husband preparing for the party and then Sunday! A great time welcoming A & M home with dozens of friends and family members!
As I was looking through the pics we took I did not find one of Amber and Mike and me....this one is of my 3 oldest 'kids'....Summer, Amber and Jesse!
My Mother and my oldest daughter and youngest son....who are also Mother's oldest and youngest GRAND children!

This was a touching moment when Benjamin, my youngest, arrived. They had not seen each other in a LONG time! I just LOVE this pic!
There was lots of food! Everything from Cookies to...
.....briskets.....and all the things in between!
Lots of people were here to welcome them home!
From the new baby, Raynie, and Aunt Deanie and Michele....
to Uncle Mike, Charlie and Lonnie along with Benjamin...
and Mike's parents....
Amber's cousin, Leah, and Patrick...
family friend, Debbie....
and June.....
and Candie...her first synchro swim coach....
and Megan (Candie's daughter) who was her SECOND synchro coach!
Then add the synchro chums LeeAnne and Medley...and Jessica who is in Arizona but her heart was in Texas last night....she was sharing the occasion by phone! *Watch for Jessica in the newest Pirates of the Caribbean movie!
Kimmy is another friend who has known Amber ...and Ben...all their life!
Roy and Ruth Ann....Aunt and Uncle by way of my marriage to Louis Dean celebrated with us! As you can tell we had a full house and I did not get a pic of everyone! It was an exciting evening!

The Cowboys Pre Season game was the closing entertainment of the evening!
Then after the party was over and I had put away the food....this is what I found when I wandered back to the den for a little chat before bed....
Bless their hearts! They are glad to be home.....but they are also EXHAUSTED!!!


  1. Looks like a wonderful time with family and friends, Linda :)

  2. Stephanie EyestoneAugust 9, 2010 at 9:49 PM

    What a heart-warming post! So glad the kids are home safe, and that you got to have all four of your brood together!

  3. Hi there! Glad that you stopped by to say howdy. I always love to meet bloggers.

    Looks as if I have caught you at a very exciting time in your life. How wonderful to have the family all together again. Your home and heart must be full to overflowing.

    What a lovely blog you have, too. Have spent some lovely time here reading and looking at pictures and I'm bookmarking so that I may return again.
