Wednesday, August 4, 2010

51 Hours and 55 Minutes....

.....til Amber and Mike land at DFW International Airport! She will be BACK on TEXAS soil!
I am SO ready to have BOTH my girls home!
I am also missing my super WONDERFUL son in law!!
On Thursday August 13th Mike's parents and Louis Dean and I said our goodbyes as they left for a year in Aberdeen, Scotland! We will be gathering again Friday August 6th to greet them on their return!

This pic was taken at their going away party! They enjoyed Scotland and had some great adventures, met wonderful people, welcomed family visitors (Louis Dean and I visited at Christmas and the Bells in the spring), and made a ton of memories! We are all so happy she shared these with US on her blog postings!
NOW it is time for them to come HOME! I wore this Scottish cap last August! I will be all done up in Red, White and Blue for their return in......51 hours and 35 minutes now....and still counting!!


  1. I know you've been looking forward to this! You could go to the airport early and play the goodbye game with LD!

  2. Great, Linda. Looking forward to the reunion pics!

  3. You look darling in your green cap but it is always fun to wear the red, white and blue:) I am excited for you to have your girls close:)

    Thanks for visiting myeverydaygraces and the onion jam... I do hope you have a chance to try it. I just had it on a hamburger tonight and it was divine!
