Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Good Music, Good Food, Good Friends!

That's what life is all about, RIGHT??? Tonight we had a wonderful time with our good friend, Tim!

He is the pianist at First Christian Church.....a Pianist EXTRAORDINAIRE!!  He and Louis Dean were practicing 'If That Isn't Love' for special music this Sunday. It sounded GREAT!
After dinner we played a round of Chinese Checkers. Tim played years ago in the summertime when he would stay for a week at his Grandmother's house. They made memories THEN that he shared with us this evening! Hope MY grand kids will remember good times with MiMi!

Midway through the game.....I am yellow...Tim is black and Louis Dean is red.

Not wanting to brag on myself or anything .......but I WON!!!!

However....we then played a game of Checkers and I had to admit defeat! I was toppled from my throne!

We ended our evening with two rounds of NUTS! I this card game! Tim was a worthy adversary! I won one and he won one! We will save the winning round for NEXT time!!


  1. Just remembering the words to "If That Isn't Love" brings tears to my eyes. I needed that reminder at the moment. Thanks for sharing. Love you. Debbie

  2. Linda,
    I will say it again! Why aren't we neighbors!!!??? We would have so much fun! I love the things you share with us. It so reminds me of simpler times shared with my Granny and you continue on these traditions, which is just so special!

  3. Robin, we would be the BEST of friends! I just KNOW it!! This is a good time in my life and I am enjoying every moment....every day!

    Debbie, hope you feel better very soon! You could use a little gazebo sit time!

  4. Wow, you are a good game player. Nice you like to do it.
    We can't let any grass grow under us, can we ?

    Can't get through, again. About had it. Got my pictures of Cooperstown --
    go check a few homes I was able to get between raindrops. Had a fabulous time with the family-- wish it would have lasted longer, though.

    You must be competitive ?? Good for you.

  5. Did they sing "Will the Circle be Unbroken?"

  6. Hi, this post. And, we love playing games, too.
    Thanks so much for coming by...hope you will come back soon.
    I am your newest follower...:))

  7. oops, the Followers thingy isn't working..I'll come back, tho.
    xo bj
