Friday, July 23, 2010

A CLEAN House.....MORE or less...........

AND from TOP to bottom! Louis Dean is on the roof as I write cleaning off the 'firewood' and other debris. He has had the ladder beside the house for over a week just trying to get the 'umph' to climb up there and 'GET 'R DONE!' We have spent the last 3 weeks CLEANING! I still don't know how I got so far behind! I managed to do FOUR rooms top to bottom and side to side cleaning EVERY square inch! Now I must admit TWO of those rooms were bathrooms and one was a hall. STILL! You would be amazed at how much there was to do! My home is extremely HIGH maintenance and add to that a dog and 2 cats with LOTS of hair.....and a husband who is still 'in training'.....well, keeping house is a FULL time job for me!

I tackled a major project- at least ONE- in each and every room! I even got rid of old encyclopedias from the den bookshelves and replaced them with photo albums....which are already obsolete what with the digital albums people archive their pics in now.
The fireplace is clean and covered with a large round mirror which reflects my little water candle lights. I like it! It may not be the comforting flames of a fire but it fits the bill for summertime.

I decided to use my shell collection in the den this year......and I am longing for some beach time in the near future!

This part of the collection features carved fishermen, shells and driftwood from San Francisco.
One shelf in the den bookcase now holds my collection of Country Diaries. I have kept a Country Diary and various journals/prayer journals since 1985.

Summer bought the very first one as a Christmas gift for me....little did she know I would continue to fill a volume a year for the next 25 years and still counting!

I ended up doing a pine cone/woodland theme in the dining room......

I love the scent of I have added FRAGRANCE to these!
This is the table topping for the sewing room featuring wine, grapes, the special  wine glasses from Doug and Raeoma when Louis Dean and I married, a Dr. Pepper mirror my son gave me when he worked for DP in his college years, a 'Love' painting I did after being inspired by a page on one of my calendars....and a 1929 Vogue's Book of Etiquette...embellished, of course! Written in pencil on the first page you read, "List of under clothes linens etc P 439."
That should just about do it!
So everything is more or less clean around here! Louis Dean is OFF the roof so I think I will join him in the gazebo for a tall glass of iced tea! Now that the cleaning is done....I think I will start painting a section of my kitchen....can't wait to see how it will look!!


  1. Sounds like a productive week!! Tell LD to be very, very careful on the roof. ;)

    Looking forward to being in the house again, I miss it. Always feels like home with all your "stuff" plus iced tea and cookies or whatever it is you may have baked that week!

    Bet that Dr Pepper mirror is worth a lot now!!

  2. All is just so homey! I love the pine cones and greenery! I could look at the all year long! Can't wait to see what is being done to the kitchen!

  3. Thank you, Robin! You and I both seem to love all things warm and cozy!
