Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Sam's MiMi Cmap! Day THREE.....

Tuesday morning came in with a wet rain. We sat in the gazebo anyway and read a few more chapters of our book as we had our morning coffee. Sam used to drink his coffee in tiny demitasse cups but now that he is nearly 8 years old he uses a regular sized one. Granddad selected one for him that has a smiling cat on it! Sam has been so good with them. Snowball (13 yr. old & diabetic) and July (18 yr. old & has thyroid disease) are living with us until Amber and Mike return from their year in Aberdeen, Scotland. They arrive back on August 6th...36 days and a wake up IF you are counting and I AM!
After our reading and since all the rain has made the ground soft, Sam and I worked in the front flower beds pulling weeds and grass from around the roses, liriope, marigolds and other plants. He caught on quick as to 'Weed Identification'! Sam then took Lucy for a walk around the block for which Lucy is so grateful! My heart fills with memories to have my first born grandson here in this home where his dad grew up. We moved here when Jesse, Jr. was 2 months old. Sam looks so much like my son when he was that age it is almost like deja vu!

Sam decided he would come on in and write his letter. (We write a letter to someone everyday. Day 1 we wrote to Aunt Amber all the way in Scotland!) I taught him to fold the notebook paper into thirds to fit a business size envelope. He brought it out to show me and was I ever SURPRISED! I thought he was writing to Sam, one of his friends in his neighborhood. But, NO! This letter was to ME! I told him my heart was completely melted now!
Next on our agenda was 'Furry Vengeance' at Starplex where the movies are 50 cents on Tuesday and always $1 hot dogs! We splurged on a movie meal to boot....small drink, popcorn and a candy. Woo hoo! After we loaded his hot dog with ketchup as he requested and got all situated in our seats, Sam leaned over and whispered in my ear, "MiMi. I don't LIKE hot dogs!" Aren't kids FUN?

After the movie Sam wanted to spend the $$$$$ his dad had given him and being as frugal as his MiMi, he chose The Dollar Store for his shopping spree. Good choice! He got 4 whole bags of candy and still had some change to which later Aunt Summer added some!

Our day ended with arts and crafts, dinner, a visit with Aunt Summer and a trip to the snow cone stand with her! We read a few more chapters in our book, put some drops in Sam's ears (he has a new swimming pool at home....need I say more?) and Day Three drew to a close. Three more days! We are enjoying every minute!

1 comment:

  1. Awwww... that sounds so nice! I can't wait to get my letter! You have such great MiMi camps, I want to come, haha. :)
