Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Rest and Relaxation....

A little R & R is what I needed...or so Louis Dean insisted I take! He waited on me hand and foot! The hardest work I did today was fold and sort my collection of napkins.....some vintage and ALL connected with memories. That's how it is when you COLLECT many memories associated with them. I have one set that was given to me by my good friend, Deborah. I have known her for over...what? 40 years? Perhaps not quite that long...but close!

After my nap, we watched 'The Italian Job'.....great movie and just the thing since Amber recently returned (to Scotland) from an Italian vacation! Louis Dean made all the meals today....oatmeal and orange juice and coffee this morning, bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwiches for lunch, and peanut butter and jelly for supper. He was serious about wanting me to get well!

After our movie I returned to the art table and painted an old truck license plate with a farm scene...and an old truck out by the barn. I think this will make a nice (late) birthday gift for my brother in law.....Roy and Ruth Ann have a farm in Ranger, Texas. Perhaps he will hang this on his porch out there!

I must say the rest and the relaxation must be helping because I may not SOUND any voice is little more than a squeak tonight......but I AM feeling better! Perhaps I will wake up WELL in the morning! If not......there is a HUGE round table saw I am going to paint a Southwest scene on.......


  1. Glad you are taking advantage of your down time! Am sure you will get well soon. LOVE the painted license plate! Have you tried selling those on ebay? Might be really neat.

  2. Linda,
    Your LD is a sweetie! I love the license plate. You need an etsy shop. I know you could sell your lovely paintings like mad!
    Keep getting better!
