Monday, June 21, 2010

A Mother's Voice...

I am 61 years old and am blessed to have my 84 year old mother's voice reassuring me that all is well. When I am sick in body (as I have been for the past 6 days!) or sick at heart with a worry of some is my Mother whom I call...sometimes just to hear her voice and hear her cluck with concern and love. Mother had a stroke in September 2005 that greatly affected her speech. Be that as it may....she continues to communicate! And I continue to be blessed by that! I may not understand every WORD but I ALWAYS understand the EMOTIONS behind her words.


  1. Wonderful post about your dear Mom, Linda. I hope you feel better soon. I posted the menu for you on my blog!

  2. I know how important that is to you - I am grateful every day that I have a mom like you to turn to! Hope you are feeling better. I am really missing you.
