Friday, June 4, 2010

Cracker Barrel ROCKERS....They ROCK!

We have long planned to buy Cracker Barrel Rockers and the purchase day finally arrived! Every time we have stopped in to a CB lately, Louis Dean and I have been eyeing the chairs and trying to decide which one to go with.....the stained ones....white ones...they even have Texas Longhorn orange ones!

We checked out the light colored stained ones.....

And the ones stained slightly darker.....
Then we spied this white beauty...and you know how Louis Dean loves all things WHITE!!!! (Remember the 'Great White FRIDGE')
I loved it!!!

AND it was ON SALE!!!!
Now if you know me AT know I love a good sale!! We got THIS one for $30 off! This one is MINE!

And we got THIS one for HALF is Louis Dean's! Isn't he CUTE? He likes wearing his 'Flat Cap' from our trip to Scotland!
His rocker had a damaged spot....NO problem! He used his wood putty and was already mending it before we even had it in the gazebo! Louis Dean can fix ANYTHING!!
This is mine all set up and ready to ROCK!! I was motivated by the pretty WHITE to spray paint the lamp and shade and then use my WHITE doilies and cloths.....LD says it is a bit BLINDING now.
And this one is his....the camera flashed for mine but not HIS! *Note to Robin......I LOVE my Coolpix L20....but have NOT mastered the knack of making it flash (or NOT flash!) on demand!

SO we had us a nice little 'Rock' along with a tall glass of iced tea......before calling it a day!

We didn't even mind (much!) getting up this morning......our first cup of coffee in the new white rockers! Great way to start ANY day!


  1. I love the white ones, too! Granny had the lighter stained one with her cabbage patch doll sitting in it. :) I love your new place to rock on the gazebo. I can't wait to get to my little house and get my pergola all "Robined" up, so I can sit out there with my iced tea!

  2. They rock...for sure! Good purchases. Enjoy!

  3. Rock ON!'s a little piece of heaven don't you's fun to go places but there's no
    place like home especially if you have a Rocker
    in a Gazebo...drinking your morning coffee, Ice Tea in the afternoon, a Glass of Wine in the evening. Oh excuse I sound jealous...I'm
    so happy for you and I LOVE YOU dearly. Rock on

  4. There's nothing better than "rocking" your day with a snazzy new pair of rocking chairs! You and LD are sooo cute, I love that y'all have created such a great atmosphere in the gazebo. Even as I write this from Rome, it still looks very tempting! And spray painting the lamp white was a cool idea. After reading all the design blogs I follow for so long now, I am learning to appreciate things that can be spray painted... especially white! Enjoy the easy sitting and save us a spot for August.

    PS - Thanks for being such miracle workers and making our trip to Italy so stress-free!!!

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  6. I pine for a pair myself...perhaps one day. What a great anniversary gift to give one another! This was fun to go back and comment on an earlier post.
