Saturday, June 12, 2010

Birthdays and Babies!

It has been a lovely Saturday for me! I spent a leisurely morning with Louis Dean drinking coffee and setting out 5 new plants....including another pot of lavender. I shall be brewing up some Lavender Tea soon!

I sewed a little bit of Bling Bling to a dance skirt for Faith's birthday present....and added a length of fine black tulle to use as a head dress or shawl. Then I headed over to Arlington for the BD pool party!

I think she liked the skirt.....
I always enjoy the family gatherings at my son's.

This is one side of him....the handsome husband and devoted father....

Then there is this wild and wacky guy.....I love BOTH sides!
As the birthday party wound down and we were saying  our son snapped this pic of the 'Lindas'....aka....Nanna on the left and MiMi on the right! And Linda's mom is in the background.

From there I drove the short distance from my oldest son's home to my oldest daughter's where a new baby girl is living!  It is not every day you get to hold a new born baby in your arms! This little 'Rosebud' is less than a week old and perfect in every way! A wonderful way to end a lovely Saturday in June.....another one of those June Joys!


  1. Linda, I love the picture of you and the baby sitting on your foot. What a beautiful memory.
    They are so precious when they are little and the time flies by so fast.
    Enjoy !
