Thursday, April 22, 2010

Phantom of the Opera! London~2006

I was a guest writer recently on my daughter's blog. She and her husband are going to see 'Love Never Dies' in London tomorrow. This is the blurb I wrote for HER blog. I am THRILLED they are getting to see this new LONDON!!

For Amber's 21st birthday I took her on a trip to London! We went on a shoe string it is true! However....we DID GO!! We had the time of our lives on that May trip in 2006. I wanted to do something truly SPECIAL while we were there! When I saw Phantom of the Opera was STILL playing.....after being there since 1985...the year Amber was born...I KNEW that was to be our SPECIAL treat! So I carefully and with much thought bought our tickets long in advance. It truly was the highlight of our trip! We dressed up and rode the red double decker London bus full of anticipation.

Now I must tell you...Amber was a synchronized swimmer for 11 years and she and her team swam to Phantom and it was SPECTACULAR!! That was my all time favorite team event of her career! So Phantom holds a special place in my emotions as well as hers. We were NOT disappointed! The play exceeded all expectations! I just shivered when the music would crescendo! The theater is old and elegant. Seats are very close to one another and there is no air conditioning. You literally feel as if you have stepped back in time! At intermission we caught our breath and enjoyed the whole experience of just BEING THERE!

When the play was over and we were carried into the London air by the throng of all the people pouring out of the theater......we were in a daze! We had SEEN Phantom in LONDON!! We lingered awhile snapping pictures....not wanting this evening to end! And it never has, actually!! That wonderful time lives on in my memory and I take it out and enjoy it often!"


  1. I love it! This whole blogging thing sure is fun, isn't it? Seriously if someone asked me my favorite memory so far with my mom, I think it would be this. Second would be getting my belly button pierced in Hawaii and my mom sweetly asking the shop tattooist how many piercings he had. LOL. We have so many wonderful moments together and many more to come!!

  2. You are right!! GREAT memories with more in the making! I find I really enjoy blogging....even if I am the only one who ever reads it...just the writing of a post serves a purpose for me. I am glad I tried it! You are a wonderful role model....and I am your MOTHER!! Gues the table has turned!

  3. What sweet correspondence between you and your girl. I love your posts, Linda.

  4. Thanks, Robin! I have always loved reading vintage letters and journals. I have quite a collection of letters from the 1940's between an aunt and her niece. If you run across a blog that is like someone's journal or such...please let me know! I enjoy reading YOURS and seeing your cottage and all the things you are doing with it! Like looking in and getting a snap shot of your life!
