Friday, April 16, 2010

Dallas BLOOMS!

Dallas is truly in bloom! Yesterday my sister-in-law, Ruth Ann, and my daughter-in-law, Sherry, and I strolled for hours through the lovely Dallas Arboretum. The colors and shapes as well as the fragrance were magnificent!

The azaleas were glowing in their prime! Everywhere our eyes turned we were met with such beauty!

We walked for a couple of hours before we stopped for lunch at the Garden Cafe where we could dine out on the patio with a lovely view of the gardens and listen to the beautiful music they had piped in!

We were at the gardens to celebrate Ruth Ann's birthday....and it was such a 'Lady' way to celebrate such a lovely LADY! She so loves all things beautiful and has been a gardener for years. Lunch was delicious!
Sherry had the Salad Platter

While I opted for the Tea Sandwiches...Cucumber, Egg, and Chicken with a salad! The Raspberry Dressing was wonderful!

And the Birthday Girl ordered the Chicken Pasta dish which she pronounced even BETTER than her own!

As we walked back through the arboretum we noticed even MORE beauty!

We all three so enjoyed our day there at The Dallas Arboretum!
I shall be returning here in June with my husband and granddaughter, Faith! The flowers and ambiance changes with each month at The Dallas Arboretum. Hope they will enjoy it as much as WE did this fabulous April day!


  1. Linda,
    How beautiful and the food looks great!

  2. It looks like a perfect day! i enjoyed the pictures. That chicken pasta must be pretty great, if my mom says it's better than hers! Elizabeth's favorite food is Mee Maw's Chicken Buh-sgetti (spaghetti).
