Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Last week we had a spring snow and tonight I sit here at the computer listening to a spring thunderstorm....complete with brilliant lightning, rolling thunder and HARD rain! In between these two spring events I managed to get my Easter decorations down from the shed attic and displayed in the dining room, foyer and front flower bed with a smattering in the kitchen. I so enjoy the fresh look of Spring! This has been one of the 'wintery-est' winters we have had here in Texas in a long time!

This year I decided to pile my entire collection of PLASTIC Easter eggs in the front flower bed and I like the way it looks! Even with the spring storms and wind, I don't think the eggs will blow completely away!

I used to have THREE of these very LARGE Easter Eggs!
The fence post bunny rabbit was painted by my daughter, Amber, back when we were homeschooling. We ALL painted one so I have a 'Family' of these critters. Like so many things, I seldom have is usually SEVERAL!

I gathered my larger rabbits into the foyer where they can greet everyone! Many of these I have had for years!

Then I finished off the dining room with the Easter Tree. I read on a blog somewhere that there is just something WRONG with that...however my tree stays up year round and reflects the current season and/or holiday.

Many of these Easter decorations are treasured memories! Summer gave Amber and Benjamin gifts when they were growing up and are displayed here....the Beatrix Potter mini books, hanging baskets, the little marshmallow ornaments....and tucked in there somewhere is the very first little bunny squeeze toy Amber had as a baby.....a gift from her grown sister, Summer, as well as the 'Happy Easter' pillow hanging from a tree tip! I will have to add a pic of the charming egg wreath I purchased recently at a local thrift store and am using as a centerpiece for my spring dining table. But for now I am lighting candles and enjoying the spring storm.....all safe, warm and cozy INSIDE!! Happy SPRING to all!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Linda,
    I love the eggs in your flowerbed outside. Everything looks great. Thanks for posting.
