Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The Simple Pleasures of Life

Today I am thinking of the many simple pleasures in life! The other day Louis Dean and I bundled up on what was a COLD winter day in Texas and walked to Braum's for some milk and bread. How wonderful to be in walking distance when you need just a few grocery items! We took Lucy who LOVES going on a neighborhood walk! When we returned we filled all the bird feeders up with fresh seed, using ALL the seed in our 'Seed Can' which is a galvanized trash barrel with a painted scene of trees, birds and feeders on it. Must send Louis Dean to the feed store today where you can buy 100 pounds for about $35. The purple finches were at the feeder Saturday! We sat in our 'restored' gazebo and enjoyed watching them as we drank our morning coffee. The gazebo is another one of life's simple pleasures for us.It is a wonderful place to read and talk and watch the activity of so MANY birds right there in our own back yard! We have trees and shrubs with berries which attract the birds as well as 2 water ponds and a bird bath and 2 feeders. Today I am having lunch with a friend and then attending Bible Study....both blessings to be enjoyed on a cold February day. Yesterday my sister in law, Ruth Ann and I took in a movie (Extraordinary Measures with Harrison Ford!) then shopped the local Goodwill store where we each found some lovely 'Treasures'.....then spent a few hours painting.....more simple pleasures of life! Whatever YOU find to do today, I hope it brings you a little splash of PLEASURE!!

1 comment:

  1. Linda, sounds like a good day for you :) I am glad you mentioned the gazebo. I must try and find a picture of our gazebo that we used for weddings we use to hold at our B&B.
