Saturday, March 1, 2025

The 1925 House - A Work in Progress!

Things mellowed out down here after Dean made sure all our water issues gad been addressed. 
I feel so high maintenance lately but they are always kind and patient and go about doing what needs to be done.

Yesterday, Dean came down and asked his dad to load
 a heavy concrete bird feeder into his truck. This made Louis Dean feel good.
It's important to him to feel useful.

I've been cleaning up the camper today. 

I love my tiny little camper bathroom!
Clean rooms deserve a fragrant candle lit in their honor.

Sherry's daughter came down yesterday afternoon and we all visited a little while.
The mother/daughter team are working on projects together today so I went down to see what I could do to help.

Fixing up an old house takes time, patience and energy,
It's already looking good to me.

They decided to work on the screened-in back porch.

Let me show you some things Dean and Sherry have been working on.

All the walls had paper on them that was stripped off last August.
This left hundreds of tiny nails with cheesecloth still hangin on some.
At first we went around and hammered the nails all the way in before Sherry decided she wanted smooth walls. We had hoped Louis Dean would enjoy helping with this but he wasn't interested.
The picture on the right above shows the wall with the nails removed, holes filled and sanded.

The pic above right is the go between room eith the white door opeing into their living room in the smaller house. Sherry is going to fill this sunny space with plants.

Dean put in this pocket door on the left and framed in a large closet with lost of storage space.

Dean and Sherry have quite a few beautiful antique pieces of furniture as in this one.
The large scale of these antiques will go well in the bigger rooms with higher ceilings of the 1925 house.

The powder room has had some things done...walls removed and/or relocated.

That piece of white wainscoting will be replaced with the faux brick wall covering.
It's dark and the powder room vanity  is dark oak so Sherry wants me to lighten up the dark brick by dry brushing it with white paint. She has such good ideas!

Dean's karate room is going to be amazing!
Full of light and large enough to teach and train in.

Karate room.
Living room is to the left that I already showed you.

These are exciting times down here!

This was the kitchen of the old house and there will be a doorway where the cut out is that will lead into their pantry.

What will be the master bedroom.

Tonight is our last night here for this visit and we will head home tomorrow.
Louis Dean has been sorting screws and nails and all manner of things so it will be a challenge to pack up and get out of here.
Just as long as we're home before dark-thirty!

Our cats have had a good time as have we!


  1. Thanks for the house tour! It will be interesting to see how they use all the space with the two houses joined together!

  2. I LOVE seeing the progress being made on the house! It is going to be so wonderful when it is done! It's a challenging project, I can tell, but they will be so thankful and proud of it when it is done. Glad they are young! LOL. I'm glad you've had such a nice time and that you both found things to keep you occupied and happy. What a blessing to have such a place to go and then to have a wonderful home to go back home to! Joy joy joy!!!

  3. Oh my, what a challenge and how exciting to see the progress on the 1925 house. So glad you were able to do some fun things in your camper. Love you little bathroom. You make everything special. Sending love and hugs.

  4. That is going to be a nice house for them. Wow 100 years old. Makes me wonder about the families that lived there.

  5. What a lot of work has been done, but still needs to be done. But it will be amazing, bright and lots of great storage!

  6. That is quite a project they have going on there with that house. How exciting to see things come together.

  7. What an amazing project. Glad they are young and able to do it. Its going to be an awesome place when done. I love the idea of the karate room for Dean and his business.
    I hope you drive carefully and get home before O'Dark-Thirty.

  8. so much work, but I can't wait to see the entire restoration when's going to be awesome!!

  9. LOVE that old house! We live in one too and we love it ❤

  10. love the karate room best of all, all those windows are amazing. this is really a gorgeous house.. can't wait to see it finished. with the ranch and work and all they do, they never have a dull moment
