Sunday, March 16, 2025

Our Good Weekend

 It's late on Sunday night as I write this journal entry.
I want to get this posted before midnight since tomorrow I will publish chapter 10 of my book.
I've already done all the edits Amber gave me.

It's been a good weekend.
Son Dean spent the night on Friday and we enjoyed getting to spend some time visiting with him before we all went to bed. He was up early and left for Fort Worth where he was teaching a Karate class.

Saturday was a beautiful day to be outdoors and Louis Dean was a happy man!

He does love a good project!
There are some things he can't do as he used to do, but other things he can do as well as he ever could.
I was out on the kitchen deck having coffee and my quiet time when I noticed the back pond wasn't making its normal music. When I went over to check it out, the water was really low so I turned the faucet on to fill it up. It still didn't work so I checked the plug. That's when I asked Louis Dean to look at it.

He was planning on cleaning the pond and now I had filled it up making it a harder job for him.
He went right to work and within an hour it was all up and running!

He went to work on the drains next, cleaning out the drain pumps of dirt and debris.

While Louis Dean worked outside all day, I spent my time cooking and cleaning in the house.

Supper was big baked potatoes and BBQ ribs.

He went to bed a tired but happy guy!

This morning I made us a good breakfast after we watched Fellowship online.
First was Fellowship live with Ed Young. Next was one of Ed Young, Sr's messages on YouTube.
This was a good Sunday even though both cats got out and stayed out until just a few hours ago!

March is a busy month with everything waking up after the winter.
Some of the neighborhood trees are wearing a blush of green just in time for Saint Patrick's Day!


  1. He does exactly look tired and happy!! The perfect project for him!

  2. So glad things got fixed an Louis Dean really looks "Happy Tired"
    Sleep well
    Tomorrow is a brand new day

  3. Looks like he is a happy man when he is doing projects. I'm with Sue...he has a "Happy Tired" look. Happy St. Patricks Day...

  4. Looks like you and Louis Dean had a great weekend...a tired but happy time, and the food looks wonderful! You are a marvelous cook! I don't know how you find the time to do all that cooking and the work you do as well! I hope you have a lovely St. Patrick's Day today. Can't wait to read the next chapter of your story. I do hope you will publish it someday. I believe it would become a best seller! No kidding!!

  5. Your dinner and breakfast both look so good. They're making me hungry.
    Louis Dean sure looks happy in those pictures.

  6. its good news LD can still repair things like he did the pond.. he looks great and happy and still has that big smile that lights up the space around him

  7. I'm so glad LD got the fountain going again! He's so handy!
    Your food looks Delicious!!
    Happy St Patrick's Day!

  8. I’m coming to your house for breakfast! It looks delicious. Happy St Patrick’s Day ☘️
