Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Hillbilly Elergy With Ilene on Sunday, Monday's Hockey and Tuesday's News..... Life is GOOD!

 Christmas is almost all down and I am loving the clean look that's left behind!

My friend, Dawn, down in Florida has a canvas that says, "People seek happiness when happiness is actually a choice."
And that is so true.

The pink poinsettias are gone from the front porch and now it's Home Sweet Home!

I start my days with coffee and my devotional books and memory verse cards outside on the kitchen deck.....
On rainy days, I go out on the front porch.

Sunday night, Ilene and I had a nice evening with a charcuterie board.....

and fancy Peach Bellini drinks.

Garnished with fresh mint and peach slices and a couple of blackberries.

The pepper poppers were special since I used a gouda cheese dip for the filling.

It was like a Girl's Night since Louis Dean seemed to be in a stupor and went to bed early.

Ilene and I both had seen this movie before but it made more sence to us the second time we watched it.
It's wonderful to have these special times together as it makes me feel so good to be with a good friend  enjoying a meal and a movie.

For years and years, I went into other people's lives to visit and minister....
Mother, Lillian, Reaoma, and June.

Now God is sending people into our life to minister to us.
As in Ilene who is such a blessing.
And DJ, Stephanie's grandson, who came over to visit us over the weekend.
He and I spent at least an hour on Saturday picking up pecans and having a throwing contest.
He's seven years old and in hockey as his Uncle Mark was.
I told him about my grandquads and their hockey games this weekend.

The girls played so well this weekend in California winning ALL their games!

What an amazing experience they had!

They WON the Championship!
Can you see Trystan, Logan and Kailey?

3,000 miles away Amber and Harrison were having some memorable hockey experiences!

It's COLD in Quebec City!

But you can't hide Amber's beauty!

Harrison is having the time of his life playing teams from around the world.

His team, the Brahmas,won some and lost some.
Hong Kong won the game this morning.
More games to come and they will be there all week!

Today (Tuesday) Louis Dean had an appointment with his cardiologist.

He received a good report! The pacemaker is working 88% of the time and that's a good thing!
I've been worried about his kidney functions and they have improved from last year.

Louis Dean and I stopped to get Subway sandwiches on our way home and watched a program while we ate before loading our bags and heading to Dallas.
I left the cats at home - Tabitha has been bolting out the door lately so I put her in the guest room as soon as I get up in the mornings. We will be at the Bells for a few days so I opened the guest room dooor and left plenty of food and water to last them until we get back home.

We stopped at Walmart for a few things and arrived at the Bells in time to park our car and take their Suburban to pick the girls up at school.

Kailey made homemade guacamole for an afternoon snack and Logan made a chicken salad .
I love how they are so creative and can make meals that are quick and easy and delicious!

I started cooking supper while Trystan was practicing her oboe.

I loved hearing her play while I worked on my journal entry.

We had pasta wiith meat sauce and corn on the cob and
garlic bread.

These are my recent memories.....

And these are my memories from the past...

I love our siblngs trips....

And all of our beautiful memories together!

Now I need to talk to you about my book.
I did not realize what an undertaking this would be.
Telling the truth is hard and even as I read these chapters, I am amazed at the grace and protection of the Lord in our lives,
Please know that God was with us and protected and redeemed so much of our lives.

We are who we are because of the redeeming grace of God in our life.


  1. Your childhood was so hard, but it made you the wonderful and caring person that you are today. The food looks so good! Congratulations to the girls!

  2. So glad to hear you are both doing well....stay safe and warm during this extreme cold snap.....your book and your story is remarkable and reveals the neglect you all went through in your childhood..it is a most like inspiring to so many others...and thank you for sharing

  3. Glad to hear that LD's appointment went well and he's doing good. Sounds like you had a good girls night.
    Congratulations to the championship winners. That's quite an accomplishment.

  4. looking at the kitchen table at Ambers house I thought how did those tall children get from sitting in holes in a round table so quickly to tall and making a meal for you. like we blinked and they grew up into hockey players traveling all over the world. wow.
    glad you night in when well and that LD went to bed and you could enjoy your movie and food and friend. good news on the doctor reports. bob goes to hear t dog for 6 months check up tomorrow.
    its sad when he does things, like yesterday I got a whole sub for him. he ate half at lunch and I put half in fridge, he said he would have it for dinner. at 5 he said, will it be ok to leave my sandwich in the fridge until tomorrow or do I have to eat it now, I am not hungry. I want to have a candy bar and chocolate milk. I made him laugh when I said all happy like, YES you can eat it for lunch tomorrow and I will no have to cook....

  5. Such a sweet and happy post. I'm smiling from ear to ear. Love the pictures of you and your dearest....adorable. The food looks so good too. You are amazing in so many areas. Love the pictures of your Devotional books, memory cards and Bible...That's my favorite time in the mornings too....with a big cup of delicious coffee. Love and Hugs

  6. Yes you are Linda. You are who you are because of the redeeming grace of God and He has protected your heart and soul and your family from the very start.
    I'm glad the Lord is providing people in your lives after pouring yourself into others. That's the way it should be.
    I truly wish I was there. I think we would talk, laugh and just love on each other.
    Have fun at the Bells with those precious kiddos.
    Hope your kitties behave!
    Good on LD's appointments. Hope he is perky today.

  7. Now when I see your photos of your family (you and your siblings) I have a much great appreciation for the fact that you were all there together and laughing and enjoying one another as adults, after all you went through as children. I am still learning more about you and your family as I read back through things to get the bigger picture. Reading your "book" is really hard when I stop and realize this is a true story, not fiction, and it is about real people, and one that I now know and care about deeply. I just can't even imagine how you all survived all that you went through and you became such strong and beautiful people as adults. God has certainly blessed you. Thank you for sharing your story. It is really resonating with all of us.

  8. You truly are a testament to trusting in faith from so many aspects. It’s such an admirable trait to have. Thankful for a good report from LD!

  9. Hardships are blessings from God, The Father to make you cling to him always. Dee

  10. So glad LD's appointment went well! Love all the pictures...
    The babies are growing up so fast!
    Enjoy the day friend!

  11. I know you are so proud of all your 'kids'! And please keep sharing your book. I am hanging on every word. I know it must be so difficult to share the sad times but you've done a remarkable job writing. What a blessing you are to so many! Hugs to you and L D, Diane

  12. Nope you can't hide Amber's beauty. Those eyes and smile. And wow She and Harrison are in Quebec to play. Nice.
    I can't get over how the quads have grown and the girls playing hockey. Congrats to them on the Win. I haven't seen the movie but I did read the book Hillbilly Elegy. I liked it.
    I'm glad you have people visiting and checking on y'all. You deserve it.
    I'm loving what I've read of your chapters so far. I'm way behind and need get busy reading.
    Hugs to both you and LD.
