Friday, January 10, 2025

Slow and Easy Snow Days!

 Winter weather visited us and we had our first hard freeze this week plus some icy rain and even snow!

I had my appointment with the eye specialist on Wednesday afternoon and got a fairly good report.
Macular degeneration is moderate in my left eye and just beginning in my right one.
Cataracts not ready for surgery yet.
Dr. Dharma did all the testing and dilated my eyes and two hours later I was leaving there and heading to Walmart to pick up a few things before the cold weather hit later that night.
I think everyone in Irving was out trying to 'pick up a few things' because it was a zoo!
I left the house at 2:00 on Wednesday afternoon and didn't get home until after 6:00 that night.
I had to drive home in the DARK and with my eyes dilated!
It didn't help that when I came out of Walmart I couldn't find my car!

The third row I searched was where I found it and a Walmart employee was helping me look.
He was so sweet and loaded the things into the car for me.

I was so glad to get home safely and Louis Dean was out walking up and down the driveway watching for me. I knew he would be concerned.

We hunkered down and have enjoyed the weather - except for Tabitha getting out TWICE!
Even in the cold snowy weather!
I couldn't go out and chase after her so I told Louis Dean she would have to come to the front door and knock if she wanted back in - and she did.

Louis Dean has been singing and playing music for me and last night he finished up ALL the pecans for our trees. He stayed uo all night and didn't come to bed until 6:00 this morning. AND he was back up at 9:30! It's nearly 9:00 as I write this journal entry tonight and he just went to bed.
I'll be going there myself as soon as I shower and wash my hair.

We are having company tomorrow and I have cleaned house, done laundry and planned my menu.
Chandy and her family are driving from Snyder, Texas to visit with us and Louis Dean will be playing music with Chandy. She is excellent on the autoharp!

It's been a peacful week and we have stayed all warm and cozy here in our still decorated Christmas house!


  1. This is a very handsome photo of Louis Dean. I have the same kind of macular degeneration that you do, moderate in both eyes! I am hoping it does not turn into the wet kind! ZERO degrees here last night! I cannot even imagine driving dilated in the dark. Dilated in the dark sounds like a good movie title, don't you think?

  2. It always amazes me how people flock to the stores to stock up on groceries when the weather is bad. Some of our busiest days at the store have been when the weather was the worst.

  3. Linda, good to read that you are both staying warm indoors and sure you will enjoy your company.

  4. Love that last picture and it is a relection of your strength.

  5. I hope the roads aren't bad and you have a nice visit. Love the photo of Louis Dean too!

  6. I have started thank the Lord, out loud while walking Beau.. its been really cold for us and bundled in 2 sweaters and a hat, I started it by saying I am thankful I have a house that is warm and waiting for me to get back to it. everything that I am down and blue about, I think of it and say out loud, thank you Lord, I have a house, a roof, heat and food, I thank him for being able to drive, to walk with the dog when he is sick, I thanked him for Walmart being close, for anything I do every day, that I can stand and sit and it helps. I try to thank him for what I have and not think about what is happening to our life that seems to be whirling down the drain. hope you had a lot of fun with family and got plenty of sleep...

  7. We need your rain and snow here in SO CA. It looked lovely. I have an eye appointment next month for my clocoma. They will diolate my eyes so my daughter will take me.
    That is such a great picture of Louis Dean. A truly handsom man. I have bins of Christmas in the living room, and left up a few splashes of red for February. Waiting for our son to put the bins in the storage unit. Too heavy for me.
    You are such a lovely hostess...wish I was close enough to enjoy your hospitality personally. Sending lots of love and hugs.

  8. Have a good time with Chandy and family! LD will really enjoy his time with her! I’m glad you got home safely and that your eyes are doing well. Enjoy your snow, we got another inch overnight.

    I took our tree down today, but I still have everything else up! I love the lights in the winter!

    Deanna Rabe

  9. Love that photo of that handsome man of yours. He is amazing staying up all night to finish the pecans.
    Enjoy your time with family and I am so glad you made it home safely from the store. Love Ginny's comment about being Dilated in the is a perfect chapter heading or movie.

  10. So glad you made it home safely "dilated in the dark". Wow! I know I don't like driving with dilated eyes at any time. Wow. LD does look very handsome! You are blessed even with the issues of life that are I'm sure overwhelming at times. It is good to thank the Lord for the good, even when there is also the bad and the ugly in the background . We are blessed people. We finally got our Christmas tree and everything else down and our son came and put it all in the shed for us today. I showed a picture of it in my post today. I miss the tree lights and all the other lights I had, but it was time to clean up and make room again. I did enjoy it so much, however, while it was up. I hope you had a nice visit with your friends and that the music was divine! Take care my friend and stay safe and warm.

  11. LD looks so content with his guitar in his hand. I am sure he was worried about you. We had about 16 inches of snow this week and may get freezing rain later today. Our kids did not return to school this past week and tomorrow looks very sketchy.

  12. Great photos and a wonderful picture of LD. No snow here and I think we are about 100 miles East of you. Lots of rain though. My Christmas decor is down and now I am doing "Spring" cleaning in the middle of January. Happy Sunday
