Sunday, March 5, 2023

Our First Weekend in March!

 Louis Dean seldom knows what day it is when he wakes up nor does he remember if we have plans. No problem!
I knew when I got up and he had his overalls on and hadn't turned on gospel music that he forgot it was Sunday.
He just switched gears and changed clothes - and put on Jessy Dixon and the Bill Gaither group and turned the music up loud enough for me to hear it as I got dressed.

We arrive late on purpose as the music is too loud for him so he says we get our 'church' music before we get to church!

We love that the Bells are part of the Fellowship Church family along with us.
I had sent her a text but she didn't know we were waiting for them - and they were already seated - with seats saved for two!

I love going to church. I always have. 
Well, I guess not always. I wasn't a big fan of the adult Sunday School classes during the 70's, 80's and 90's - so I taught children's classes instead and dearly loved doing that!
Such good memories.
I love everything about a Sunday!

It's an extra blessing to visit with Amber and Mike and the grands after the service!

Everyone is taller than I except for my Trystan!
She will most likely catch up in the next couple of years.

Louis Dean has to squat down to hug me.
He calls it some kind of Karate stance.

I am so proud of Amber and Mike and the way they love their children - and US!!

Saturday I spent several hours cleaning and decorating the sewing room for spring.

I decided to gather all my honey and honeybee things in here - I just love looking at them!

See the Sweet like Honey metal signs?
They arrived in the mail last year with no card or information so I had no way of thanking the giver.

Sherry invited a couple of NewBEES (new beekeepers or beekeeper wanna bees) over to inspect our apiary and check the hives yesterday afternoon. I was on pins and needles waiting for her to call me with the bee news!

Of the four hives we have - three were thriving and one will need a little help.
That one has two brood boxes on it so she's going to condense it down to one.
Another hive has two brood boxes and they are doing so well that we will most likely split that one soon thus giving us FIVE hives to harvest honey from this summer!

I am SO excited!!!!!

After NO honey in 2022 - a bumper crop would be wonderful!

One lady that was there with Sherry is a Veteran and that was the first time she'd actually been in an apiary. It's a wonderful gift to share the joys of beekeeping!

I'm looking forward to the hum when we open up a hive.

I love all my pretty bee things!

I want to fill the glass honey jar up after harvest and keep it in the display.

I never even dreamed about becoming a beekeeper -

until Louis Dean got stung by bees who had taken over a section of wall in Son Dean's workshop next to our camper.

That's what started our adventure and a year later we had our own bees.

It's funny that there are still bees in that shop - just in a different wall now.
I watch them going in and out from the girl bunk when I'm down at the ranch.

We've talked about putting them in a hive but we just haven't done that yet.

For the last several years they have stayed right there with no treatment or protection.

Bees are hardy things sometimes but I'm sure they have benefitted from Sherry's feeding station.

I'll close tonight's journal entry early as I am about to put the finishing touches on the baby quilt for Buster's new granddaughter. I'd like to get that in the mail on Tuesday.
The next quilt I'm making is a birthday quilt for my brother-in-law Charlie.
He is a retired master plumber and owned Wilson Classic Plumbing.
He gave me all his blue and white striped work shirts with red appliques and I thought a quilt would be a perfect birthday gift for him. As with so many of my ideas - this one took a couple of years to cut up all the shirts and I am finally getting around to sewing it!! His birthday is in August and I hope I'm gifting it long before that!

One last thought......
I'm looking for this year's Santa painting and found this pic on Pinterest.

I am for sure painting this but I haven't decided on the size or if it will be my Christmas card one yet.
What do YOU think?


Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Linda. You and L.D. are busy as usual and it looks like you had a nice weekend. So glad you were able to attend church. I also like to go to church and the week just doesn't feel right when we don't go. I love all of your honey and bee decor. Your home always looks so lovely and welcoming. I hope you have a good week!

BeachGypsy said...

Loved seeing your bee collection!-- lots of pretty things! I have a feeling y'all are going to have LOTS of honey this year! After church and a Sunday drive we spent a lovely day outside doing yard stuff-- nice peaceful day in the country! Spring is here!hugs!

Terra said...

Your bee and honey collection is so pretty and happy to look at. I love Sundays and attending church too, it is a highlight of my week. After church about 25 people meet in the building and learn about our faith and have fellowship and food.

Rita said...

You do have so many cute bee things!! I hope you do have a bumper crop this year. Love the Santa and Mrs. Claus--would make a sweet Christmas card or wall art. :)

Anni said...

Great Santa choice!!
Loved reading and viewing all about your bees

Donna said...

Love all your pretty Bee collections!! And hopefully, you;ll have a bumper crop of honey this Summer...
That's a sweet idea for the blanket...his work shirts! My Larry is a Master plumber as well but also management so, his shirts were solid white with just our company logo above the pockets. No fun
Have a beautiful day sweet lady!

Tina G. said...

Linda, how are you going about making the shirt quilt? I want to make one for each of my boys with all their favorite shirts from when they were kids but can’t quite figure out how? What are you using for backing? Love the Santa picture! So sweet, just like you and LD! Have a wonderful Monday!

Arlene G said...

I am so glad your bees are doing well. We really enjoyed the honey we got from our bees before they swarmed. I think they did not like it that we were only here periodically...they missed We are here at Grimmwood as my sisters and I continue to clean out Mother's home and prepare for Estate sale. I told Marvin this morning that I felt like I should be going to the nursing home to visit Mother. It is still hard to wrap my head around the fact that she is gone. As for the picture, I will be honest and say I think it would be perfect on your Santa wall but not sure if that is Linda style for Christmas cards. But that is just my opinion and with that and five dollars you can get a grande coffee at

Changes in the wind said...

YES please make this your Christmas card, I love it.

jackie said...

Santa pic is awesome. Would be a beautiful Christmas card.

Deanna Rabe said...

I hope this is a big honey year! Your collection is great!

This quads are so grown up! I love how close you all are!

That santa painting is precious! It'd look great on your wall!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I love your sewing room. I only have a small cubby in my house for all of my crafting. I've never even thought about decorating it but it would certainly be an improvement . Hope you get those bees into a hive and out of the workshop. All that honey gone to waste there.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

The Santa is absolutely beautiful and I think it would make a great card and I love love the wrinkles and their faces. All of your big things are so beautiful and every time I see a bee or anything with a be on it I think of you.Your girls are so beautiful and Amber and her husband make such a beautiful couple. The stain looks really good so do you and your girls.

Jan said...

I enjoyed your post as always and love hearing about the bees and seeing all of your bee things! The Mr.and Mrs. Claus picture is so sweet! I think it would make a great Christmas card for you to paint!

Jackie Mitchell said...

The picture of Santa & the older lady is beautiful. A benice thought to know that the older generation love Santa too.
Love your posts & love all the bee things. Although I am very much afraid of the bees.

photowannabe said...

That Santa picture is wonderful.
I can't wait to see it painted.
So glad you could spend time with the Bells and be at church together.
We played hookey yesterday and planned to watch it Live Streamed. Unfortunately there were technical problems so we didn't see anything.
Love the Gaithers and listen to their music all the time.
I had double duty of care giving with my friend Lynne this week. Friday and then yesterday, Sunday. I hate Alzheimer's so much.
Yesterday was rough. I felt like a hamster on the hamster wheel, repeating everything a gazillion times because she doesn't remember she just asked it and there is now changing the subject until she is ready.
God's Grace is the only way I sometimes get through the day.

Pamela M. Steiner said...

The Santa and Mrs. Santa picture is adorable, but if you paint it, I think you should paint you and Louis Dean as the couple. My My, you really know how to BEE happy! All those BEE things make my head buzz!!I'd be afraid of getting stung! LOL. I guess you know what you are doing! The main thing is to BEE happy no matter what! Loved all the pictures of your things and the family and hearing the story of your weekend. Well, I think I will just buzz off now as I BEElieve I've said all I can think of! LOL. Good night! Time to fly into my hive and hibernate with my honey. LOL. I guess you really got me going with all the bee stuff. LOL. Fun fun fun.

Granny Marigold said...

I didn't know you kept bees. That's so interesting ( and exciting)!! We've taken the grands to see an apiary when they were younger but that's about all I know about bees. I do like honey though. I hope you are blessed with a great harvest of honey when the time comes.

Carole said...

Bee-autiful post as always. Bee happy!

Robin from P'ville said...

Yours and Louis Dean's faces on the Christmas card.

Chatty Crone said...

I love that photo of Mr. and Mrs. Santa.
So you decorate for spring!?
Gosh you are a hard worker.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

That image you showed would make a wonderful addition to your Christmas card collection, Linda. I would be so happy to receive one as I have saved all you sent in previous years. My all-time favorite is the Santa at the Nativity and then the Santa train!

Louis Dean isn't along in not knowing the day of the week as it happens to us as well and it's quite easy when every day is like a weekend, thanks to retirement.

Always lovely to see you both and the Bell family. The grands are growing as fast as our own.

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Love the photo of Mr. and Mrs. Santa--and also the one of you and Louis Dean at church.
You sure do have a lot of cute bee things. My favorites are the bee painting and the little yellow hive.