Thursday, April 29, 2021

Goodbye to the Country, Visit With Lillian, Fresh Hair Cut and New Glasses! Busy Days!

Tuesday I worked on my art for the last time this trip. 

I had more fun painting this canvas than any other I can remember!
While I did sign my name, it's not really finished. I think one more session will do it and then glaze it after it's dry.

The Christmas Train will require many more sessions but I'm having fun with it, too.

The last Tuesday in the month is our Heart of Texas Beekeepers Association meeting.
Sherry and I met up with Rosey for Mexican food and margaritas in China Springs an hour before the meeting so we could still arrive in time. I ordered a margarita on the rocks instead of a frozen one since that takes so much longer to drink. See my shaker of salt?

After we got home, Louis Dean and I sat out with our evening wine and watched the sky.
That pink moon was gorgeous and it was just like watching a light show.
Our last night here for the month of April.

I love this little LED lantern. 
I want to go back to the Homestead Heritage place and buy another one!

We woke up to the sound of air compressors and welding equipment!
Cheyenne and his crew were there and they finished up the Big Red Roof project!
He will have a ton of the finely crushed stone delivered next week and we are DONE!

Louis Dean was so excited! 
He watered the garden using the recovered rain water!

I harvested my lettuce before we left.
There's enough to share with Summer and Amber and there will be plenty more when we come back in May.

It's always more fun to arrive than to leave......that little dog is named Tina and she lives next door.
She gets treats from all the people who live around there.

We were anxious to get on the road so we could make it home before the storms hit.

Stopped on the way to pick up a pizza for Lillian.

It was fresh and hot - and all mushed up from the way Louis Dean carried it in.
But we still ate it!

Lillian was sad when we arrived but she perked right up.
I took her donut holes which she graciously shared with Louis Dean, along with packages of mini muffins to go with her morning coffee.
She is very frail and thin. She had a doctor appointment today so I brought her a new pair of cute pants and a new top to wear and she really liked that.
We had to scoot out so they could do a chest x-ray but we had a nice visit.
I promised her I would be back next Wednesday and I'm going to hang all her pictures. Her things are just stacked in boxes against the wall right now.
I'm also going to buy an all new set of bedding for her.

I'm relieved they let us in to visit!
There's a new sign saying visiting hours are from 8:00 - 5:00.....and it was nearly 6:00 when we arrived.
I told them we had just come from out of town and stopped to see Lillian on our way home.
You have to wear those hard to get on masks but it was worth it to see her!

Summer has been staying at the house the last day or two and she and I sat up in the den until really latelast night catching up and talking. It was good to spend some time together!

The rain washed pond area smelled so good this morning.
I sat outside on the deck for my coffee and quiet time.
It was fun to see Summer so excited!
Her car was all organized and packed perfectly!
She left early this afternoon to pick up Rayne and Sabrina at the airport and then they were going on to a place on the river to stay for a week or two.
It's good to have them back from Puerto Rico!
They will be here until the middle part of July.

Last week at the ranch I had that awful moment when my hair was NOT working for me.
It was all I could do to not at least chop off the long bangs!

Yulisa was proud of me!

She does such amazing things with my fine thin hair and I'm grateful to her!

From there I went down the street to Aldi!
I bought the makings for Texas Trash and some perishables for us now that we're home.
But just look at this coffee!!!
I had to buy the Honey Lavender!
And that Wild Blueberry Crumble smells delicious!
Guess which one I am making in the morning!

I barely had time to put up the groceries and grab a bite to eat and it was time for my appointment at First Eye Care on Shady Grove. Kimmy recommended it to me and I am excited to be getting some good glasses. Last year I bought two pair from Stanton Eye Care in Waco. It was during Covid and I didn't even see a doctor in person. Instead they was a video screen up on the wall and the doctor was on the screen.....and not in the USA! And I could barely understand her.
No wonder my glasses haven't been working for me.

I'm starting to have cataracts which explains some of my vision inconsistencies.
Bottom line - I loved the doctor and his wife and satff.
It's a family owned and run office.
Once you try a pair on - you leave them on the table and a staff member will clean then before putting them back. Last year - during all the lock downs and closings - I was allowed to try on glasses as I wished and put them right back in the slots!

I fell in love with this pair and the lady said I smiled every single time I put them on.
But I didn't get them. Maybe next year.

I chose this functional looking style for every day......

and this one with a little bling for dress up.
I'll get them in 15 days or so!
Just in time for my sibling trip to Kansas City!

Tonight I have been finishing up laundry and working in the rose gardens.

Summer took all these pictures for me before we got home.
I dead headed the roses and pulled up grass and weeds, filling a tub completely full!
Tomorrow I hope to finish those beds and move on to the beds along the driveway.
There's always so much to do and so little time to do it!

Summer and I shared Bible verses last night and this morning she sent this to me.


Bluebird49 said...

So good to hear all this news! Your days are just so busy!
I love the glasses you picked out.
Are the kitties coming home soon. Hope you got the UTI figured out--thank goodness for the "Azo"!

Vee said...

What a life you're living. It's full to overflowing. Lovely to see Lillian. Your haircut looks very nice. Glad that you had time to visit Summer and that Rayne is on her way soon.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I love your new always look so pretty! Enjoy your week! Hugs!

Changes in the wind said...

Love the painting of the boots and cat and know leaving the ranch isn't that fun but you make the best of it with your stops and such. Had to laugh at LD holding the pizza under his arm. So glad you could see Lillian and you are so good to her, I know she looks forward to you coming. Happy you got some new, good glasses and they look great on you.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Your enthusiasm inspires me to do more. I'v not painted anything in a lon time and need to get bak to it. I'm sure with your help Lillian will soon be doing better. It's wonderful you can visit her in person now. Every person in a nursing home needs a person like you to look after them. Sounds like youwill soon be able to spend some time with the out of towners visiting too. I too have the beginning of cateracts and need to get my eyes checked soon. The glasses I have right now just aren't doing it for me.Enjoy that wonderful garden. Her it is still cool and raining.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Hope you beat the storms home and that they were not bad ones. so glad Summer and her family are back in Texas. you have a wonderful hairdresser and I know Lillian was so happy to see you.. mushy pizza and all. love the cat on the boots.

photowannabe said...

Love the verse you shared at the end of your post.
I think I am going to incorporate it into one of my photos to use at a later time.
I am so happy you could visit Lillian and perk her up a bit.
Hanging her pictures will really help her feel better I think. The days must be so long for her. You are a bright spot.
Glad your carport is finally done..what a difference it will make.
Love your boots makes me happy too.
Enjoy your day

Ginny Hartzler said...

Your very pale pink roses are my favorite. Your hair came out beautifully! You will have to post a fashion show of glasses when you get them! I have had cataract surgery on both eyes. I must tell you, some doctors give you shots in the eye to numb them, and others do not, they use drops. There are a wide variety of ways the eye doctors do the surgery. We did not go local with it, and were excited for the way it all went.

Carole said...

Lovely uplifting post as always. Cheers

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

That was a funny photo of LD carrying pizza and glad you all still enjoyed it mushed together with Lillian and that you were able to have a nice visit. The painting of the kitty atop the boots is wonderful, Linda, as is the Santa train one. Once you have cataract surgery you may no longer need to go eyeglass shopping.