Saturday, February 22, 2020

Friday's Birthday Celebration and Saturday Bee Working Day!

We have had an exciting weekend celebrating Sherry's birthday!

Dean has been planning this surprise lunch since January and Crystal, their daughter, has helped him! I did my part in telling her we wouldn't be here for her birthday - which is the 25th - but we wanted to take her for lunch at their favorite Fuji Japanese Steak House in Waco.
We four drove there together but what Sherry didn't know was that 7 others were going to join us!
Left to right in the photo above - Crystl, Sherry, her sister Cindy and her husband Rick.

It was so much fun!
That's her dad and mom sitting on the far side and Roy and Ruth Ann were sitting down from them.

Sherry was all smiles!

We all were!

When it was time to sing Happy Birthday and they asked her name - she said 'Crystal!'

She had some gifts to open!

You can't go wrong with a honeybee theme!

It was a great time!
Sherry was totally surprised that Roy and Ruth Ann were there.
They live further than anyone else and they brought their RV to stay a few days in the Waco area.

We gave Sherry our gift Friday morning.
Not one but two fiberglass ladders! 
An 8 foot and a 6 foot.
The blue bows made it perfect for 'Sherry Style' as Amber said on Facebook!
Sherry loves practical gifts and any gift you get from her is always a thoughtful one.
She's the one who suggested we give pool memberships to the quads and Amber for their birthdays last year since they are all everyone such water babies!
Louis Dean came up with the ladder gift idea and he was so proud of himself!

We all left the ranch early Friday morning so we could go to Marlin which is the county seat so Dea and Sherry could do early voting. Louis Dean and I did ours last week by mail.

Friday was just perfect start to finish and it was good to see so many of us all togther who love Sherry. She is such a special lady and has a heart of gold. Plus you can count on her anytime and anywhere. She and Dean are both Salt of the Earth type of people....but are her parents, daughter, sister and brother in law and her Uncle Roy and Aunt Ruth Ann.

Sherry has been there for me and Louis Dean more times than I can count.
Not to mention the wonderful hospitality they have shown us in allowing us to be squatters here on their ranch.

We got home Friday about 4:00 and Louis Dean and I both took a good long nap.....and then went to bed on the early side.

I set my alarm for 6:00 Saturday morning!
The sun wasn't even up yet!
Sherry picked me up at 7:00 and as we went out the gate and turned onto Countyline Road, I watched the sun rise! Now that's not something I see every day!

We were headed to Crawford, Texas for a Heart of Texas Beekeepers Association Work Day.
This is a annual event where we can buy bee boxes, frames, wax and kits to get ready for the new bees we have ordered for the spring. Then we put them together.

Members who have the space and can accommodate a work day offer their hospitality for the day.
Last year it was in Clifton, Texas.
The beekeepers are from all over this section of Texas.

Meet the owner's beautiful lady who met us all as we arrived.
By the way, Sherry and I stopped for breakfast at Whataburger and ate it in the car on our way.
The day was scheduled to start at 8:00 and we got there at 8:04! 

I volunteered to take orders, money and write receipts.....which I did for an hour or so and Sherry was the first in line. We bought three kits which includes the boxes, frames, spacers and wax inserts.

This was a great place to have a work day!

Since I was writing receipts during the busiest hour and then went straight to building our boxes with Sherry, it was at the end of the work time that I came up for breath and took pictures.

There's a lot of property here and it goes all the way down in the back to to river.
They say there is some good catfish to catch down there.

It was a cold day but not too bad.

We build the boxes first then the frames and finally put the wax inserts in.

Sherry and I make a good team.
We finished our three boxes and loaded them in the vehicle and then looked around to see who we could help. Last year people helped us and we wanted to return the favor. The seasoned beekeepers help the new ones. This is only our second year but we have had some 'seasoning.'

We arrived for the work day on time and were some of the last to leave after helping two others complete their boxes.

In the middle of all this, we walked with the owner of the property over to look at his beehives. 
He is brand new to the association but already had three hives and he is going to split them this spring.  As we were standing around and talking - I got stung for the very first time!
Now I am a REAL beekeeper!!!

I was shocked it was only 1:00 or so when we left. I had been up for 7 hours and thought it would be late afternoon! We stopped at Panera Bread for lunch and it was delicious. We ate there because neither one of our Deans would choose that place.
Sherry had the blood orange lemonade and I had the plum ginger hibiscus tea.
The food and bread was amazing but I LOVED the teas!!!

By this time my knee was really talking to me.
I thought maybe the bee stinging me on my left foot - the same leg as my surgery - may have made my leg hurt. But it may have been I was standing on my feet for over 4 hours working.

Still, we passed some interesting stores like Kirkland and World Market.
I am buring the last of my candles here at the camper/cabin so I was checking them out.
I am a thrifty sort of lady and $14.99 is a little too pricey for every day candles.

Just as we were driving into Mart, Louis Dean phoned and asked me to pick up some milk......
so we stopped at the Dollar General.

Sherry found an isle that had all half price things on it!
Including candles!
 I got this big clock for just $7.50!
It hangs in the bathroom above the Dearborn heater.
This way when we are sipping our wine at night - we can tell what time it is!

I love salt lamps and now I have one for the camper.
It has a dimmer switch, too!

Sherry and I got home right at 3:00 and I did a little 'damage control' before taking to the girl bunk for a nice long rest. Alas, my leg is still hurting enough that if I had brought my pains pills with me - I would take one. The bee sting has just this evening turned red and puffy. Not real bad but enough.
I took a good hot shower and made oatmeal for Louis Dean to eat later.
He's a night eater.

Dean and Sherry went to Waco to meet up with Roy and Ruth Ann at the RV park where they are staying. They are all going out to dinner and visit. I had to cry uncle and we didn't get to go.

Louis Dean made a campfire earlier and if there's any spark left, I am going to look at it over a glass of wine and then I think I am going to bed early.......and sleep in late!
Tomorrow is our last full day this visit and I want to enjoy every single minute.



Deanna Rabe said...

Happy Birthday to Sherry!

You had a long day in Waco. Glad you were able to rest, and bummer about getting stung!

Buttercup said...

I absolutely love reading about your beekeeping day. So sorry you were stung, but I imagine that's not unusual being around bees. Hope you make a quick recovery.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I am so sorry about the sting! And in one of the worst places, too! Why would it sting you? It is not like you were annoying it or anything! I thought bees only stung to defend them selves. I sure hope it is lots better after a good night's sleep!

Kathy said...

You sure packed a lot into your short little trip. How fun to surprise Sherry with a birthday party. Beekeeping meetings sound like a good time. Except for that sting. I've been stung only once in my life and I remember it vividly. Hope you feel better tomorrow so that you can enjoy your day.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Happy Birthday to your amazing Sherry. she is all this you wrote about here PLUS she can drive that TRACTOR! makes me jealous. you have the most wonderful family, and I mean all of yours and all of Louis Deans'

MadSnapper n Beau said...

plus you are both busy saving our bees thus saving our food supply

Carol said...

It looks as though Sherry had a fabulous birthday! She does so much around that ranch. I am proud of all of the work that you have accomplished since your surgery.

Changes in the wind said...

How wonderful the surprise birthday was for Sherry! Yes, I think you overdid it a bit but hopefully a good rest will relieve it. Bee keeping is a whole other world.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

What a wonderful birthday celebration! And what a lot you packed into your day! I know you are exhausted! Enjoy your Sunday....take it easy!

photowannabe said...

Wow, that was quite a busy day for you.
I'm glad it was so much fun and I love how you became the seasoned bee keepers this year and helped others.
Sorry about the sting but I guess it goes with the territory.
Hope all your resting helped your knee and you are back to your fascinating self again.
Surprise parties are always fun and you guys looked like you had a ball.
I love the practical gift LD choose for Sherry. We do that same kind of thing in our family.
Enjoy your last day at the ranch.

Rain said...

Hi Linda :)) Oh I would love some ladders as a gift! And the bee potholders are so cute! The dog in that photo is just beautiful! So glad you had a nice time with your fellow bee keepers!!

Sue said...

Wow! you are a busy bee! Birthday blessings, to Sherry,

Arlene G said...

What a busy day....we are using our old boxes and frames for our new bees. Marvin put all the frames in the freezer to kill anything that might harm our new bees. Hoping we can keep at least one hive going. We have heard of several people who lost their bees this winter and it was not even very cold. That is what is so aggravating. We should get out new bees in April. Tell LD that he did a good job on Sherry's present...I loved the curly ribbon added to the ladders!! Hope that knee settles were probably on it a bit too long. You cant keep a good girl down!!

Susie said...

Linda, Glad you all had a great time at Sherry's gathering. I bet ti was wonderful to see Ruth Ann and Roy. Too bad you couldn't have sit down while working. Need yourself a heat pad at the ranch. Take care. Blessings to all, xoxo, love, Susie

terre said...

i always love to catch up on your adventures. i am heading your way in a couple weeks -- maybe we can visit?

<3 terre

Wanda said...

What a lovely Birthday dinner and "show". I love going to those places. The show is quite entertaining isn't it. Lots of fun and laughs. I love some of her gifts, of bee things.

You look so cute in your work apron!! Is there anything you can't do?

I'm a lover of candles too, and can't have too many. I find our Marshall's had really nice ones at $5.99

Thanks for your faithful my dearest and I and daughter #1 went to church for the first time in ages. The pastor spotted us in the middle of his sermon, and stopped dead in his tracks and welcomed Don. Melt my heart. We have a marvelous Pastor, who is also a wonderful Shepherd to his flock. That is an answer to your prayers.

Carole said...

You 'always look on the bright side of life' - really admirable. Have a lovely rest. Cheers

Bluebird49 said...

So sorry about that sting! Hope it is better now.
You "be" the busiest "bee lady" I know, Linda. You are just something else.
Sending "blogging sister love" to you, and birthday wishes for Sherry. You lucked up on D- I-Ls--(and daughters and sons, too, of course! And Louis and grandkids! Lots of great folks.
Hope we can see Lillian soon!!
I am so happy you are doing fantastic, girl. 💕🙏

Andrea Charles said...

Trips, birthday parties, camp fires and the long drive to Crawford. I can see that you had a great time. Sorry about the sting. I attended the last beekeepers and it was fun. You get to learn a lot about bee farming. There were too many things planned for a long day. Great read.

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