Thursday, August 1, 2019

Free Bees and HONEY!!!

I am so excited!!!
Last week Louis Dean noticed honey bees swarming around the meter box on the wall of the shop next to the camper.

James, our beekeeper mentor, arrived late this afternoon to help Sherry do a cut out!

They literally cut the hive out of the wall.

I had my bee suit on to document this exciting event!

Sherry can do anything!!!
She had a nifty little tool that was perfect for the job!

Look at all those bees!!!

And that dripping honey!!!

I was in awe! The bees were buzzing around but they were not at all aggressive!

Sherry cut the combs and fit them into frames with rubber bands.

Not bad for a first time experience.

Lots of brood, wax, pollen and honey!

She left her bee box there close to the building and the bees were following the brood.
We are praying the queen will follow too.

What a great time I had watching all this!

I just LOVE this picture.
The meter box is right outside the window of the girl bunk.
I've been watching those busy bees for days now.

Then this afternoon we go out there and get this glorious honey!

We put the comb in jars and filled a few with honey over it.

Best supper ever!!!!

Free honey and free bees!!!

 I am so excited about this extra bee experience.
We will help harvest honey with James on Sunday and then we harvest OUR honey next Friday!!!
Okay, I need to calm down now.
Louis Dean has been sitting outside waiting for me but I just HAD to share this day first!


Saimi said...

What a busy bee day you had!! how fun and very interesting and may I just add, brave!! You suited up and were right in there with the bee keeper, such a cool experience!!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Wow, this is extraordinary! I have never seen anything like it, and for sure did not know you can move bees this way. Truly an amazing adventure! The honey is gorgeous!

Joy@aVintageGreen said...

Whew - so good to have an expert bee keeper working with Sherry and you took great pictures/videos too Linda. Exciting.

Bluebird49 said...

Honestly, they "build" their homes perfectly, and share their tasks, and they end up feeding world! God is truly Awesome!

BeachGypsy said...

That is so amazing!! Growing up, my Grandparents would have huge glass jars and we could take out big hunks of the sweet waxy comb and eat was delicious!

Kathy said...

This is so exciting! Free bees and honey. You take amazing pictures.

jujupage1 said...

My mum wants a bee hive in our garden too. I didn't know that you could make one from the honey bee nests you see in the wild. That's so cool!

Carol said...

Another fun and exciting day at the ranch as well as some delicious free honey! I am so thankful that you were able to experience this adventure with Sherry and thanks for sharing it with us.

Susie said...

Linda, That is so exciting. I am glad you had that experience. That is something I have always thought would be fun. I will watch your videos later today. Blessings, xoxo,love, Susie

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

How amazing that she was able to capture these bees! WOW! She really is super woman! You too! Hugs!

Tina said...

This was so amazing! Your documenting the event for us so we can all learn something new is so wonderful! And Sherry's bravery and can do spirit is an inspiration! I love the jar labeled "Free Bee Honey" Ha! You're so clever! Have a Bee-u-tiful weekend!!;)

Arlene G said...

Very interesting Linda!! Loved seeing how that was done. My sister said they were near the garden yesterday waiting for the vet to come check some cows. It was early morning and she said our bees were busy at work getting pollen from the corn tassels. I am rendering my wax and finding it takes a LOT of comb to make enough wax to make something big like candles. I will have enough for my thread waxers.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

How exciting for you all !... One to keep in your bee keeper journal for sure !

Changes in the wind said...

Didn't know this could be done, very interesting and look at how exact that hive is.

Deanna Rabe said...

Even in a suit I'd be very uneasy! You are all so calm and cool!

What a great find, free bees! And the honey!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I had to speed scroll through this and I do love honey but am terrified of bees and wasps and all things that sting... that dripping gold honey is fantastic as is the fact all 3 of you could do what you did.

Vee said...

So exciting! Free bees and free honey=a very good thing. I remember honey dripping into my great-grandmother’s living room all the way from the attic. A beekeeper was called and he was very excited about all the new bees and so much honey. Sure made a mess of the walls and ceilings, though.

Diana Ferguson said...

Glad you are having a great time with the bees!

Judy said...

Wow! You can't get it any fresher than that! I don't think I would be so willing to get right in there with the bees...even suited up.

photowannabe said...

I know I overwork the word "Awesome" but this is totally
The color of that dripping honey is gorgeous...I can almost taste it from here.
Love the videos too.

Chatty Crone said...

I am trying to put the story together. You wanted bees for their honey and for some reason they gathered on the wall there. They came out and cut them off and put it in that frame. They made the honey - you got it? What is the rest of the story?

Jan said...

That is amazing!! Glad you are getting to see all of this first hand and recording it for us to see! I had no idea how this was done. Thanks!

Cozy Thyme Cottage said...

Hi Linda, So nice to meet a new friend and read your comment. Your honey looks yum on your blog. I am still in the hospital on IV"s from a tooth infection. Redness was spreading. Better now but still swollen. Thanks for commenting. Nancy

Carole said...

How fabulous - truly wild honey! Cheers

obscure said...

Oh, that is so cool!!

Rain said...

Oooh! That's awesome Linda!!! I'm so happy for you! I LOVED watching the videos!!

Sue said...

I find this so fascinating, Linda I can hear the excitement in your writing, I was hoping to be gathering honey from our hive this year, but our bees left us!~boo hoo~
that honey looks so scrumptious, I would love to reach out and grab some.
Thanks for sharing this.