Sunday, September 3, 2017

Good Times!

I'm still basking in the glow of September!
I slept so well Friday night - I think it was partly because I was just so happy.

Saturday we met my youngest son, Benjamin, to celebrate his 29th birthday!
He was born on August 11th, but has been busy studying for his real estate license - which he passed with flying colors on the 10th - and then we went on our beach trip on the 12th so we FINALLY got together at the Saltgrass Steakhouse. Our first choice was Joe's Crab Shack which has been one of his favorite restaurants since he was a little boy. The ones close to us are both closed a steakhouse was the next best thing.

He got a pretty nice rib eye!

We had a great visit and talked and laughed for a long time!

Benjamin always reminds me of Daniel Craig!
The dimples!
The lips!
The chin!
The way he holds his head and even the way they walk!
What do you think?

I told him about seeing the movie 'Logan Lucky' where Daniel Craig plays Joe Bang.
I STILL think they bear some good resemblance to each other.

I've been recalling what a wonderful day we had celebrating September First and realized I had forgot about a video Amber took of Ruth Ann and me - unbeknownst to us at the time!

I was telling about how Benjamin said I looked like Gollum from The Lord of the Rings.....

My eyes are green instead of blue but even I can see the resemblance!
Praise God for make up!!!

We made it to church today and have enjoyed a quiet afternoon.

We are packing up and getting ready to go to the ranch later this week.
I can't wait!

The peacock and peahen had peafowl!! 
That's the one in the front.
The two in the back are baby chicks.

Dean has been building a bigger better peacock pen that is tall enough for them to fly up and roost.
It's been 34 days since we left the ranch and it will be 3 more days before we leave to go back.
It is my happy place and I'm looking forward to spending a few of my September weeks there!


Susie said...

Linda, There's no way you look like that little creature. :) I love hearing you girls talk and laugh bout stuff. Benjamin is a cute young man. Your children have those adorable dimples. Please get lots of pictures of the peafowl. I have never seen , no even a picture of baby peacocks. I would like to see how it develops it feathers. Congrats to Ben. I have been wanting my granddaughter to get her licenses too. Blessings, xoxo,love you, Susie

Linda said...

It is 94 degrees here in Oregon!! I hate it. Might as well have stayed in Texas. It is definitely time for you to get back to the country. I'm ready to hear more stories about the animals and country living.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

You girls are so cute! Jabba the Hut and Gollum you are not! Funny stuff!

I know your happy about headed to the ranch! Those baby critters are cute!

Ginny Hartzler said...

I do see the resemblance to Daniel Craig, but I think Benjamin is MUCH cuter!! And I love is dimples. I LOVE your sweet voice and Texas accent! I could listen to you talk for hours.

Stacey said...

Happy Birthday to your handsome son. :)

Bluebird49 said...

I loved hearing you and RuthAnne talk and laugh! You must share some more videos!
Happy Birthday Month, Linda!

Hootin Anni said...

Well then, a belated happy birthday wish to your son, Linda!!!

I always thought Bud looked like another Bond...Sean Connery. And several people have said the same. I on the other hand look like Phyllis Diller. lol

Have a great time when you return to the ranch....I know you will.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

actually Ben is cuter than Daniel.. he does resemble him. congrats to Ben on passing that exam, I took it in 1990 and it was HARD and require a lot of study time.

Debbie said...

nice to see your son...the food looks amazing!!

you and ruth, hehehehe, i could listen to you talk all day long, how nice to have such a good friend and she to have you!!

Judy said...

Good times, indeed! You are always coming and going. Have fun at the ranch.

Vee said...

You guys are a riot. Look at that table! I want to reach in and grab some yummy things to eat. I can see the resemblance between that actor and Benjamin, but not between you and Gollum. No way! I think my son looks a little like Kelsey Grammer, but he'd better not tell me of whom I remind him. It could get scary. Happy Days to you down at the ranch.

Carol said...

I don't think that you look like him at all. Your Benjamin does look like Daniel Craig especially in those photos. We are thinking of going to a Saltgrass SteakHouse while we are gone this time.

sanpiseth40 said...

i could listen to you talk all day long, how nice to have such a good friend and she to have you!!
