Monday, July 11, 2016

It's Called THERAPY, Folks!!!

I couldn't bear to open tonight's journal entry with an ugly picture so I chose some pretty flowers I saw today! I think these are called Black Eyed Susans but I may be mistaken!

At any rate - they are pretty and remind me of my favorite season - Fall!!! 
September 1st is ONLY 51 days away!!!!
I can hardly wait!!

While we spent most of the day out and about with things to do and places to go.......

as soon as I got home this afternoon - and the sun went down enough to work out on the side deck - I started back on my bedside table project!! It was truly a mess!!!
I had decided to sand the whole blooming thing down as best I could!

Sanding worked for all areas EXCEPT the top!
My Knight in Shining Armor came this this damsel's distress!
He peeled that sucker back to square one!!!

While he worked on the top, I sanded the drawers which seem to respond differently than the wood on the rest of the table.

THIS was after I had sanded everything within an inch of its life!
Those sharp pointed corners are now soft curves!!

Then I coated everything but the drawers with a coat of Kiltz.
This LOOKS grey but it is white!
I like the photo, though, because I think it may have given me new inspiration!

The crackle is still showing through the Kiltz and I am happy about that!
I'm going to take a break and wait for fresh inspiration!! I am already getting a bit of a vision!
IF I can pull out redeeming this mess, I will have really boosted my confidence level!!
However, I am prepared to admit defeat.
If I MUST, I shall do it as gracefully as possible!
Like using the pieces for firewood!

I KNOW it is July 11th!!!
I KNOW nearly everyone LOVES summer time!!!!!
But just to make me feel better, and since it's MY house, I set a more fallish tablescape this evening with some recent Goodwill finds.
I smile every time I walk through the dining room - which is OFTEN as you know if you think about the floor plan here. 

For now, I am going to 'TABLE' the bedside table saga!!


Joy@aVintageGreen said...

The crackle under the white looks good. You sure got a tough piece with its original finish to deal with. Good thing LD got out the scraper to get that top cleaned off. Getting closer to a save on this project.

Linda said...

Yes, I think putting the table away for a time will be good. I'm ready for fall but first we have to have summer I suppose. Since that has yet to happy here I'll hold off on fall decorations. Temps are in the upper 60s and into the 70s here. Fall is my favorite season to decorate.

Kathy said...

You are doing the best you can with that stubborn piece. You had no way of knowing how tough it would be to make it into your vision. I think you are doing good. I would never have thought to get it back as far as you have. God bless LD for coming to your rescue. I actually like the white with the crackle finish. Maybe you should keep it that way.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Your fall table setting is gorgeous! And I know you do this for every season! I am convinced that you will make the nightstand beautiful!! You just need a bit more time. YES, they are black eyed susans! We have them in our little wildflower garden and Phil just staked them up.

Aloha Acres said...

I've been researching how to distress furniture. I want to do it, but I'm so nervous I'll just make a big 'ole mess. I like the grey picture. That's even giving me inspiration.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Fall is my favorite!

Inspiration will come and your bedside table will be great!

Susie said...

Linda, Even the best furniture makers mix the woods and use laminate in places. I like the crackle white look the best. That will be a fine stack of tooth picks when you get done girl. LOL. I can't believe how much work you have done are catching that LD work bug. You make me smile to visit blog. I loved the table setting. Bless your heart. Love you, xoxo, Susie

Arlene G said...

Linda, this may be crazy but I liked the night stand after you sanded everything off. I might have just rubbed some oil on it and called it done.

Sals View said...

Hi Linda. How about covering your bedside cabinet with decoupage then varnish. Love your blog, greetings from Lincolnshire UK. Sal x

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i say decorate with whatever makes you feel happy.. and i like it better with the white that looks gray, hope inspiration hits you soon but if you have to burn it take pics of the fire for me

Pondside said...

I love your attitude, Linda. Work on that table for as long as it pleases you and when it doesn't any longer, then let it go!

Bev said...

Love brown eyed susans...and you piece will be fine:)

Jill said...

That turned out just wonderful!!! I have to admit I love fall too! Enjoy your evening.


Gypsy Heart said...

I'm right there with you re: fall ~ can hardly wait!! :)


Carla said...

Call me crazy but the picture of it sanded down right before the primer picture looks neat. I know I'm weird.
By the time you're down it will be perfect