Thursday, December 17, 2015

Children's Christmas Program and and Afternoon Just For ME!!

The quads had their Christmas Program at their school today.

This photo is HALF of the children in the program!
Can you tell MY grands were in THIS half???

I am NOT good with video but all the kids were just precious!!!

Kailey chewed on her dress, Harrison yawned a few times and the little girl next to Trystan was THE cutest thing!!

It was a marvelous program and I am so happy this is a Christian school where they can actually sing about our blessed Saviour!!

This is the quads second year to be in a Christmas production.
See that little boy with blond hair up on the top right?
Last year he stole the show by pulling his shirt up over his head!!
This year he was really with the program!
Last year Kailey cried but I don't think she did this year.
She wasn't happy all the time but she didn't cry!

Louis Dean was still very sick this morning so he missed getting to see them.
The other set of grandparents were there and we were all smiling from ear to ear!!

Today seemed very 'Christmasy' to me!

We had lunch at Chili's afterwards. Kailey loves electronics!
There's a story about the service we received at this particular Chili's. 
Let's just say we won't be back!
Amber NEVER got her order and we were all finished and ready to leave when she told them to box hers up to go. We STILL had to wait several more minutes! Good thing we weren't in a huge hurry!!
We were all in a good mood but we will NEVER venture back into THIS Chili's again!!

After Amber dropped me off at my car I decided to give myself a Christmas Treat!
There's an interesting garden center with a produce market I have noticed on my way home.
I have wanted to stop in there so many times and today I did just that!!!

It SMELLED like Christmas with the scent of fir and it SOUNDED like Christmas with the carols playing!

I browsed through the whole place without buying a thing - but now that I know what's there - I WILL be back to get some pansies soon!!

I haven't been to a Goodwill in WEEKS so that was my next stop.

This is a very well made stocking and I knew it would be perfect SOMEWHERE at my house!
I hung it right beside the front door! ($0.49!)

I bought this one for $0.99 and it still had the original price tag of $9.99 hanging on it.
It is hanging in the bathroom.
Doesn't EVERYONE hang stockings in their bathrooms???

I didn't get home until 3:00 and had called Louis Dean countless times with no answer.
All of a sudden I became frantic to get home to make sure he was okay.
Praise God he had been asleep all day and had just got up to get a drink of water.
I hung out with him in the den the rest of the afternoon and evening - in between vacuuming and laundry and packing up tins of goodies to gift.

Now I have loaded up all the Christmas presents I have bought and am heading over to Amber's for a wrapping marathon!!  I'm sure we will be up late wrapping and watching a movie and sipping some wine so I am planning on spending the night!
Tomorrow I will do my very last bit of shopping with my sister, Luann.
Our first destination is The British Emporium in Grapevine.

The weather has turned cold and blustery this evening.
For some reason this has put me in a very holiday kind of mood!!


Linda said...

Very sorry Louis Dean is still not feeling well. Nothing better for a grandmother's heart than watching her grandchildren perform.

Kathy said...

That was one cute program. You can tell the teachers do a wonderful job. Sorry to hear LD is not feeling well. Hope he is better soon. Have fun wrapping. That's my least favorite thing to do.

Deb said...

I hope LD is feeling better soon! The kiddos are precious

Changes in the wind said...

The program was so sweet...Hope hubby get better soon!!

Susie said...

Linda, I loved hearing the children sing. I love any program that lets us celebrate Christ birth. That Oak/hickory rocker you pictured is just like the one I am getting at the antique store. I love it. If my feet allow today, I am going there to pay for it and have Ted pick it up on Monday...when he has time. LOL. Glad LD rested the day. Some times that just the medicine people need. Blessings for a great weekend, love you, xoxo,Susie

Curtains in My Tree said...

There is nothing to say but those babies are ADORABLE !!!!!
They are just too cute for words and what blessings

Merry Christmas ' Janice

Estelle's said...

I am so sorry to hear that your LD is still under the weather...but, I know you enjoyed the children at the Christmas program...they are always so precious! Love hearing the little ones sing of the birth of Jesus. Perhaps Santa will indeed find that beautiful stocking in the bathroom!! Big hugs!

Nancy Chan said...

I hope LD is well by now. I love watching children perform. They are so natural and cute.

Cheapchick said...

We got snow yesterday which only happens once or twice a winter but none last winter so it was special. Buddy kept running around the yard scooping snow up in his mouth, the little weirdo :) He doesn't like the slide factor though. I hope LD is better soon - he seems hard hit with his health this year. Enjoy your stockings!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I sure hope Louis Dean is better soon too. Sometimes sleeping is the only thing that helps. Love your fun program. And you banner is beautiful. Merry Christmas, Diane

MadSnapper n Beau said...

love the photo of you and the quads by the tree. they all looks so sweet and cute, not just the quads, all of them. Hope LD is better soon, and i like that odd rocker in the store that YOU BOUGHT NOTHING at... is that a first??? sorry about the Chilly Chili service.

Vee said...

It took me awhile to pick the grands out of the crowd. The second picture confirmed that I had been correct. Kailey is chewing her sleeve? It looks as if she was blowing a kiss.

Glad that Louis Dean got a lot of rest. Hope that he is feeling better every day.

It seems as if the country has been put into a shaker and you have our weather and we have yours. We were told today that Christmas Eve will reach 60°...crazy weather.

You and Amber have fun. Good way to get the job done...together!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

What fun day and evening your having! Those grands are so cute! Poor Granddad had to miss it! I'm praying he'll feel better soon!

Enjoy your time with Amber!


Penny said...

I love going to christmas events too. My boys were singing in the school choir together this year, what a proud moment for me to see them singing together, it was magical! X