Monday, August 11, 2014

My Name is Linda and I LOVE 'Debris!'

Louis Dean and I worked on the laundry room today!

It looks so clean and fresh and OPEN!!!
Trust me! This didn't last long!
I looked at it as a blank canvas or a plain dress ready for acessories!!

I THOUGHT I wanted shelves behind the washer and dryer to set things on!
Then I decided to just set them ON the washer and dryer!!!

We are not through by a long shot but we DID make a lot of progress!!
The trim is just tacked up and we need to buy some thin trim for around the top. I have to stain a few places so will plan to do that tomorrow when I have my art - and turpentine - out!
Louis Dean has felt poorly all day long. We took his blood pressure and it was really low.
As in low enough that I monitored it all day long. By this evening it was nearly normal.
He could tell it was because he said he felt better.
Even so he managed to take me to Home Depot where we picked out under the counter lighting and one for the top as well as a new ceiling light. He'll put that one up when he feels better.

I like all things 'warm and cozy.'
I also am sentimental about the things people have given me.
As in the tea towel from my friend, Linda, from Occasional Scotland.

All of these things have been my treasured debris for years and years.

The baskets provide good storage places and my new cupboards have room to spare!

Progress was made in the laundry room but this reality shot shows what a mess the kitchen is in!!
I couldn't bring myself to take a picture of the den!!! It is even worse!

Yesterday (Sunday) was spent with the quads in Quadville!!
I woke up to the smell of sausage and eggs! Granddad had breakfast all  prepared!

I fixed a cup of coffee in the Keurig and cleaned up the play room.

I think kids play better when it starts off all neat and tidy!

Not that it stays that way for long!!

Logan was feeling better Sunday!!
Granddad used his camera and took some fine photos!
He took close to TWO HUNDRED pics!!!!

I wasn't in the playroom when he took these so I was surprised to see these!
Apparently Kailey got in the middle of the quilt and used it as a sled as the other three pulled her!

They were all so CUTE!!!!

I could watch them play all day long!
And sometimes I DO!!!

We took Maggie with us since we were staying overnight on Saturday.

The kids MAY have given her one treat too many!!!

We practiced drinking from cups with no straws!

I gave them water in their play cups and they were pretty good at drinking it without spills!
I poured just enough to cover the bottom of the cups.

The babies love phones! I show them pictures on mine.

I am forever looking for my phone - or camera!!!
I used Louis Dean's to call mine and boy, oh, boy! Was I surprised when Kailey ANSWERED it!!!
She also likes to take my camera!

When the babies were upstairs resting - I was downstairs doing the same!

Amber and Mike have this cool video where we can see the nurseries on their TV.
This is Logan and Trystan's room.
They played a little while before going to sleep.

Trystan was trying to nap and Logan kept bringing her some stuffed animals.

Harrison and Kailey started off in their beds......

but they ended up going to sleep elsewhere!
Kailey is on the floor and Harrison conked out on the chair!!

The Texas Heat continues this week. I'm just grateful it hasn't been this way all summer!!
We have been battling allergies again. Louis Dean has itching watering eyes and I have a sinus headache.
Tomorrow is another day and I am sure hoping we feel better!
Miss Maggie continues to improve. However, we MUST keep the bathroom door closed or she pees and poops on the rug!! Yes, we forgot to close it after Louis Dean took a bath!


Amber said...

Thank y'all for staying with the babies so we could LEAVE! It was so needed. especially after the doozy of an afternoon I had today...

Wanda said...

You said it all with WARM and COZY. What a welcome place your home is...every room...even the laundry room.

Love all the quad pictures and those of you too.

Penny said...

Linda those wee souls are just so delightful, and what a devoted granny and grandpa they have! Your laundry room is amazing,looks like it's been there for years, so cozy and full of treasures. I love your Emma Bridgewater tea towel X

Deb said...

I love your adventures....glad Louis Dean is feeling better

Angie said...

I love your debris Linda. I think it makes your place look so inviting!
Looks like you all had a wonderful day with the Quads :)
Hope you and LD both feel better soon

Vee said...

Don't you know that folks are divided right down the middle between that clean no fuss look and the warm and cozy one you enjoy. I'm sure that you'll hear from both. What amazes me is how quickly you two get a project done from start to finish...very cool!

Those babies are so cute. Do they sleep in their beds overnight? ☺ It was interesting to see where they landed. It's wonderful to see them be innovative with their play. I'm sure that pretty soon they'll be tidying up their own play room. LOL!

Hope that both you and Louis Dean are feeling better. No fun to have allergies or low blood pressure or high blood pressure for that matter. Take good care of yourselves!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

thanks for the first laugh of the morning, i started laughing when i read the title.. my name is Sandra and I love the first photo and would leave it just like that...
my mothers name was Lucille and she would want all your debri. especially the bread box and cake box.

Deanie W said...

I am so thankful for your and Amber's blogs! I'm sure everyone feels like they have to get their Quad fix daily:) It is so wonderful to see them grow and progress. They are all creative and so precious! The dedication from parents, grandparents and others definitely show!
Your laundry room looks great. I'm with Vee, you two do get to a project quickly! CW and I have been packing for a month, I guess I should have taken you up on your offer:) Have a great week!

Susie said...

Linda, I do love seeing all the things you do with the little guys. Boy what a hand full at times. They play well...not lots of fussing. I hope LD gets totally better. He's such a hard worker. You too. I was amazed at the laundry room. Wow. I like the little lamps you have around your home. It makes it cozy. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

Ginny Hartzler said...

The quads are more adorable than ever! I love the picture of you with them all on the couch! Louis Dean is like me! I can take a hundred pictures just of a sunflower. He captured real cuteness! Your phone story is SO funny!! I agree...the kitchen looks bad, but the laundry room is awesome. In time they will all look amazing. That is the coolest thing I have ever seen, the babies rooms on the T.V.!! You can all keep an eye on them whenever you want!

Cheryl said...

I hope you and hubby are both feeling much better by now! And I'm glad to read that your sweet kitty is improving too!

What a busy time you're having...with your laundry room redo, and relieving your daughter and son-in-law while they had a little getaway. I'd be taking the opportunity for a little R & R on the couch too! Your laundry room is looking great! And isn't that exactly how it is? To get one room looking great, you've got to tear up two or three! :D

Carla said...

Okay I love the title of the post. LOL.
My waster and dryer are full of laundry in and on top so no room for debris as you call it. It does look better than it did but I haven't put my decorations up that I planned on putting up. Maybe I will before the year is out. Love the post