Thursday, December 19, 2013

A Wonderful Christmas Season Day!

This has been a wonderful Christmas Season day!! We started out early with Raynie's very first Christmas program put on my the 3 year old class at her school!

Oh my!! She is growing more beautiful every time we see her!!!

There's only ONE first Christmas program!!!
I am so glad we were THERE to see it!!

It was hard to snap pictures but I got this one as she saw that her granddad and I were there!!!
She is the beauty in the burgundy dress!

We only had eyes for HER......

and that cute set of twins in front of her!

The little boy next to Raynie started tapping the one in the plaid shirt......

and it went back and forth!

Raynie stayed above the fray!

It was hilarious!!!
Love Raynie's expression here!!!

I do not know who these kids are but I love them!!!
They were adorable and made the program even more fun!

We stopped by Quadville on our way home......
the babies had just gone down for their naps and Amber was resting.
Louis Dean and I made a plate lunch and watched a Duck Dynasty together then I took a nap!
A pretty LONG nap because the babies were awake and playing in the den and had been up for over an HOUR!!

They were glad to see me!! That always makes my heart sing!!!
Harrison said, "Grandma" yesterday!!!!

I read 10 Little Fingers and 10 Little Toes to them.
We change the ending to FOUR little babies with FORTY little fingers and FORTY little toes!!!

We came home before traffic and Louis Dean and I played a game all the way!
I would call out a word and we would have to name a song with it!
That was a lot of fun.......
Plane......Leaving on a Jet Plane and his was Silver Wings
Sky, trees, grass .......
Road.....Take Me Home, Country Road!
Walking.......These Boots are Made For Walking.....
We will probably play this game more often!
Louis Dean got a big kick out of it!!
We were still naming songs as we drove up in the driveway!

It's a balmy night here and Louis Dean and I sat out in the gazebo as I stuffed these pillows for the older two granddaughters. It's almost Christmas and I still have two more to go!!!

I close tonight's journal entry with this Christmas card from Summer and Sabrina.
This is THE most beautiful Christmas card I have ever received!!

It's been a Merry Christmas sort of day!!!


  1. Grandma Linda....the love of your for your family and those grandchildlren just pours off the computer screen and fills my heart with joy.

    Merry Christmas day you have me singing Take me Home Country Road...HaHa.

  2. What a perfect Grandma-day that was, Linda. The Christmas card is beautiful - something to treasure and bring out for many Christmases to come.

  3. What fun! Beautiful photos,especially the last. Oh my! She was doing a very good job of being a good girl. I hope that someone lets those boys' parents know how much fun it was to watch their interaction! (This all reminded me of a Christmas program where my son got into a bug tussle on the stage with his best friend and they both rolled down the steps together. I've been laughing today about it, but I was NOT laughing then.)

    That game sounds like one that could keep John and me content and out of trouble on a drive. LOL!

  4. Oh God Linda, she is beautiful!...tan again all your grands are too adorable and I don't blame you for been so proud! Many blessings for you and your lovely family this Christmas.

  5. Linda, You and LD seem to always enjoy yourselves. Yes, you would have been so sad if you missed Rayne play. She's adorable !!!! I can't believe the babies are talking, where did all that time go. Your angel card is truly beautiful. Must be a real angel :):) Blessings to all for a wonderful weekend. xoxo,Susie

  6. I love Christmas programs with children just that age! They are always so adorable. Some are so serious and some are just wiggly! Such fun! And the quads.... that's a lot of fingers and toes!

  7. What a great idea for a game on a road trip, Linda - I once did something similar but with colours - Little Yellow Submarine, Purple People Eater.... etc

    Hope you and your entire clan have a fabulous Christmas - and that you get some feet up time as well.

    Very best wishes and virtual hugs from Carole of Carole's Chatter
