Sunday, October 9, 2011

Sunday Burgers!

Poor Louis Dean has been sick all week! He has not been out of the house since we got home last Sunday night from San Marcos! He IS feeling a little better today and had no I took him out for a burger lunch! This place has the best hamburgers EVER!

Here's my handsome husband as we waited for our order to be cooked.
This place is a little hole in the wall he found one day when he was out and about all by himself.

We ordered ONE Hamburger Basket with a side order of Onion Rings.....and two drinks. Diet, of course!

We split it right down the middle!

It was delicious!! AND it completely filled us up!!
There was a time when we each ordered our OWN......and ate it ALL!!

I think he looks like he is feeling better already!

YUP!!! It was real good!!!

He got a new lens for his camera and was snapping a lot of pictures.
The owner of the place thought we were the paparazzi!!

If you live in the area and want an old fashioned hamburger - check this place out!!
It is on the corner of Shady Grove and Senter Streets in Irving!


  1. I thought it looked familiar...remember when that was an icecream store...a long time ago...

  2. glad LD is feeling better...

  3. glad to hear LD is on the mend. Delicious pictures.
    - Joy

  4. Glad LD is feeling better!!!

  5. What a wonderful day.... looks yummy!!
    (We had turkey...and I had 16 for dinner:)

  6. Oooh I wish we'd had burgers and fries for supper tonight! It's what I really wanted but we got home and had fresh corn on the cob - and I was pretty happy with that. I'm glad that LD is feeling better!

  7. What a great picture of YOU!!! And now I want a burger for lunch.

  8. Looks good to me! Sometimes, those hole in the wall joints have the best food!

  9. So sorry he's been sick all week!!! But yes, he certainly looks like he's now on-the-mend!!! :-)

    Gentle hugs,
    "Auntie" ~~ at 'Pix Muse' blog
    "Lady Autumn, Queen of the Harvest,
    I have seen You in the setting Sun
    with Your long auburn tresses
    blowing in the cool air that surrounds You.
    Your crown of golden leaves is jeweled
    with amber, amethyst, and rubies.
    Your long, flowing purple robe stretches across the horizon.
    In Your hands You hold the ripened fruits.
    At Your feet the squirrels gather acorns."

    ~~Deirdre Akins

  10. Now I want burgers and fries for dinner tonight!...Glad to hear Louis Dean is feeling better.

  11. Yummm - That sounds so good. Glad you had a good time out and about.

  12. Looks so delish!!!
    The burgers- and those onion rings! ahhh heaven!
    Thats why I am going to weight watchers! hee!
    Have a pretty day!

  13. I just nominated you for the Versatile Bloggers award! You can check out all the details on my blog.
