Thursday, October 6, 2011

An October Day!

I woke up early yesterday - even before Louis Dean! That is unusual! As I opened up the kitchen French doors and turned on the coffee pot I marveled at the gorgeous morning sky! Cerulean Blue and Alizarin Crimson ( two of my favorite Windsor Newton oil colors!) were stroked across the was breath taking! A good start to a lovely day!

 I hurried through my morning routine and was off to Fort Worth by 9:00 am. Mother, Deanie (my sister) and I all drove to Granbury to visit with my cousin, Paula.


Mother loves to visit with family! We sat around Paula's kitchen table and talked for over an hour before we headed out to lunch at El Chico. The food was good and we all shared a delicious dessert - as recommended by Nita - apple pie with vanilla ice cream and topped with hot buttered rum sauce. Mmmmmm!!! We lingered long at the restaurant wanting to stretch out our visit.

Deanie and I enjoyed our time with each other as well as with Mother and Paula.
So often - even though we live fairly close - we seldom get to spend much time together.
Isn't that the way it is for nearly all of us? We are so busy!

As they were laughing and talking in the back seat on our way back to Paula's house,
Deanie and I looked at each other and commented how in time to come WE will be the ones sitting back there and OUR daughters will be in the front seat taking us places.
All we have to do is blink a time or I am trying NOT to blink!

Speaking of 'not blinking'.....later in the afternoon I stopped off to see the grand kids on my way home. Faith likes to challenge me to a 'DON'T BLINK' game! She is really good at it and won every time!

I gave Sam this Cowboy locker for his birthday and I think he LIKED it!
Since he (and his DAD!) love the Cowboys and since Sam plays a lot of sports he will use it to hold all his sports uniforms and shoes.

I had some good moments with Levi.

Sam showed me how to play his new Wii game.
He is a good sport and plays the 'easy' version so I can keep up.
These games are not as easy as you think!

It was a wonderful October day! Driving home I could detect a difference in the very air. I do believe fall is slowly arriving. Still warm but there is something about the light of an October day. Since I drove home by way of the back roads I noticed the trees are now a dull faded the life is being pulled out of them. There were lots of sunflowers blooming by the side of the road. Made me want to pick a bouquet!
The only other color change in the trees is the crunchy brown of dried and dead leaves.
No yellows or oranges and certainly no reds. Usually you see at least a LITTLE red from the sumac - but I haven't seen any YET!! I will continue to watch!

I have the denim quilt I am working on all ready to sew around the border.
So that is what I am off to do now. This is the second largest denim quilt I have ever made! The first was the very FIRST one I made for my son, Benjamin. KING size!
I have only made twin and crib size ones since.....until now!
Hopefully we will have some 'Quilt Weather' before too long!

"The best kind of sleep beneath Heaven above/ Is under a quilt, handmade with love."


  1. Love it that you get such good quality time with your family. So neat!

  2. Family. So important. Soak up the love. Great jean quilt, a lot of hand sewing on the border!
    - Joy

  3. what a fun that quilt...

  4. Your happiness just jumps off the page!
    I love the quilt - yes, it's nearly time for a cosy quilt up here too.

  5. Another great day Linda! Your grands are adorable. My daughter used to play the don't blink game when she was younger. She was unbeatable! That locker is so cool. I bet he loves it. Can't wait to see your finished quilt. I wish I was handy like that :)

  6. A special day!!

    The quilt looks great!

  7. Love how you get to spend time with the family. I like the quilt. I moved all my saved jeans so I can cut up and sew. Those darn things were heavy. lol. I hope to start sewing again next week. Yippee

  8. It was great to see the pic's of Paula...and of course all of you as well. You have a good camera on you phone or did you take the pic's with your camera? Mother had a really good time.

  9. Nita, I carry my camera with me everywhere! It's not a good one but it will have to do! I told Mother I would take her to visit Paula again the next time I go to HEB for groceries after she gets her hair done.

  10. I feel like I went along for the ride with you and your family today. It was a very nice visit! Looks like you had a great day. It's so nice that you stopped by your grandkids home and "played" with them. You look young enough to do that. That's good. I believe grandparents are a very good influence on young ones. Doesn't EVERYONE have fond memories of their grandparents?! I love the locker you gave your grandson too. That's a unique gift that he'll really use for a long time.

  11. You certainly know how to get the most out of a wonderful October day! :-)

    Gentle hugs,
    "On the motionless branches of some trees, autumn berries hung like clusters of coral beads,
    as in those fabled orchards where the fruits were jewels..."

    - Charles Dickens

  12. Oh Linda!
    I'm still thinking about 100 cinnamon rolls! I got the "10" "4" about cholesterol let's move on to today's post about your wonderful time with family. Your mom is precious. She has the best smile! What a wonderful day!I can hear your laughter in your photographs.

  13. Dear Linda, I am really stepping out hoping that God sent you to me. I AM a broken hearted mother. I googled the title of the book by william coleman and your blog popped up and when I saw your daughter quote the "I'll love you forever I'll like you for always as long as I'm living my mother you'll be" I was blown away. I put that line to a song and my sons (two of whom have broken my heart) and I have sung it their whole lives. I need a friend who can relate. Is there a way to have personal contact? Please let me know how to contact you personally or you could contact me at I know I shouldn't leave my email publicly, but I really could use a friend.
    Thank you,
